Assembly Guide for SparkFun JetBot AI Kit V2.0
SparkFun’s version of the JetBot merges the industry leading machine learning capabilities of the NVIDIA Jetson
Nano with the vast SparkFun ecosystem of sensors and accessories. Packaged as a ready-to-assemble robotics
platform, the SparkFun JetBot AI Kit v2.0 requires no additional components or 3D printing to get started - just
assemble the robot, boot up the Jetson Nano, connect to WiFi and start using the JetBot immediately. This
combination of advanced technologies in a ready-to-assemble package makes the SparkFun JetBot Kit a
standout, delivering one of the strongest robotics platforms on the market. This guide serves as hardware
assembly instructions for the JetBot AI Kit v2.0. The SparkFun JetBot comes with a pre-flashed micro SD card
image that includes the Nvidia JetBot base image with additional installations of the SparkFun Qwiic Python
library, Edimax WiFi driver, AWS RoboMaker ready with AWS IoT Greengrass, and of course the JetBot ROS.
Users only need to plug in the SD card and set up the WiFi connection to get started.
We recommend that you read
of the directions first, before building your JetBot. However, we
empathize if you are just here for the pictures & a general feel for the SparkFun JetBot. We are also those
people who on occasion void warranties & recycle unopened instructions manuals but please note, SparkFun
can only provide support for the instructions laid out in the following pages.