Table of Contents
1 Description of function
2 Safety information and handling
3 Operating NoCut
4 Inspections, maintenance, repairs and decommissioning
5 Storage and cleaning
6 Useful information and training
1 Description of function
NoCut has been designed to protect textile lifting equipment from sharp edges when
hoisting loads using riggers (authorised personnel) and is available in two designs:
NoCut sleeve (a woven protective sleeve) to place around lifting equipment with a need
for cut protection on both sides.
NoCut pad (cut protection discs) to affix to lifting equipment with a need for cut protec-
tion on one side only.
NoCut bumper:
NoCut bumper consists of a NoCut sleeve with internal strap layers that further
increase the radius at the diversion and attachment points of the load.
NoCut can be identified by the three blue marker yarns woven into the material. NoCut
must not be modified in any way. Products from the NoCut range are woven from
high-performance fibres.
2 Safety information and handling
Ensure that loads are only hoisted by people trained to do so (authorised personnel).
NoCut should only be used in conjunction with SpanSet lifting equipment or lifting
equipment with identical specifications.
NoCut must not be used for purposes other than those specified. All loads which
exceed the load-bearing function of NoCut must be expressly avoided.