Connectors and Jumper Settings
CMOS clear: JP5 ATX Power Supply: P2
CPU, CHA Cooling Fan
Retain CMOS 1-2 please insert the ATX power pin 1 2 3
data (default) supply plug into this header. function GND 12V sensor
wake on LAN jumper: JP44 RST IDE Led
Clear CMOS data 2-3 Please connect the WOL cable
from your LAN card to this
Connect the reset
button to this
Connect the HDD
led to this jumper.
USB1 and 2 PRT SPK Keylock
Connect your USB devices to these headers printer cable header Connect the cable Connect keyboard
ATX Power Supply On/Off Switch: PWRBT
of speakers to lock switch to this
Connect your power switch to this jumper (momentary switch type). this jumper jumper
IrDA (Infrared Devices Connector): IR TB Led PW Led
pin 1 2 3 4 5 Connect the
Connect the
function Vcc FIRRX IRRX GND IRTX led to this jumper led to this jumper
PCI Audio Card Connector: SB-LINK .JP10: Keyboard Wake Up
1 2 3 4 5 6 Wake Up Enabled 1Ð2
GNT#1 DGND Empty REQ# DGND SERIRQ Wake Up Disabled 2Ð3
Default I/O Settings
PORT I/O Address IRQ Functionality
LPT1 378H 7 ECP + EPP
COM1 3F8H 4 Ð
COM2 2F8H 3 Ð
Note: If the default I/O settings conflict with those of other I/O cards,
such as soundcards you will have to adjust the settings of one of
them. The default settings for the onboard I/O can be changed in
the BIOS setup. Enter BIOS Setup by pressing <Delete> key
during boot-up. The I/O settings can be found under ÒIntegrated