1.4 LCD Description
Show Contact List User Name / Alias Name / Time / Day
key to select last / next user.
key to see this user’s Mobile / Home / Office number.
key to make a phone call.
Show Missed Call List User Name / Alias Name.
key to select last / next user.
Key to see this user’s mobile / home / office number.
key to make a phone call.
Show Call List User Name / Alias Name.
key to select next / last user.
key to see this user’s mobile / home / office number.
key to make a phone call.
* VOL SET 8 level 0~7
* HOLD SET 5 me Mute
* RING SET 10 me PC ring tone
* KEYTONE Key Tone On / Off
* Click
to hold the call,then click
to talk.