S ection 1. Installation
Appliance D im ensions
The following dim ensions are supplied for guidance purposes only. You
should accurately m easure your appliance and cabinetry before
com m encing installation
Dim ensions shown are in m m
Your hob is supplied with a fixing kit and seal to ensure that the hob is
securely fitted/sealed to the work surface.
1.2. G eneral Installation Advice
The Law states that gas appliances m u st be installed by a fully
qualified G as E ngin eer!
R e m o v e a ll p a c k a g in g m a te ria ls a n d a n y p ro te c tiv e film a p p lie d to th e
a p p lia n c e s u rfa c e s .
W ip e th e s ta in le s s s te e l s u rfa c e w ith a s o ft d a m p c lo th .
The kitchen/room where this appliance is to be installed m ust have
adequate ventilation. Your Gas Engineer will inspect the room and
advise you accordingly.
A cooker hood m ay be installed above the hob.
A m inim um distance of 650m m m ust be m aintained between the hob
and a cooker hood positioned directly above.