What is Bluetooth ?
What is Bluetooth ?
Bluetooth is a short-range cord replacement techno-
logy that allows the seamless interconnection of many
different devices such as mobile phones, portable com-
puting devices, and mobile phone headsets without the
complication of cables.
Industry collaboration has meant that Bluetooth has
become a highly interoperable, affordable, and widely
deployed wireless connectivity standard.
What do I need?
As this Headset is a qualified Bluetooth product sup-
porting the Bluetooth Headset and Bluetooth Hands-
free profiles, it can connect to any other qualified
Bluetooth product supporting at least one of these
profiles. Today, nearly every mobile phone with inte-
grated Bluetooth supports one or both of these profi-
As a Bluetooth mobile phone will most commonly
be used with your Bluetooth Headset, references to a
mobile phone are used throughout this User Guide.
English Manual V2.qxd 20/11/2003 12:39 PÆgina 4