background image

3b. Downward aiming: 
Mount speaker brackets to 
top of speaker with tabs 
facing front of speaker. Use 
included 1/2 inch wood 

5. Connect wires and set 
gain and filters as described 
in the SM1001p installation 

1. Unpack subwoofer and 
unscrew 4 feet. Remove 
screws from rubber plugs 
and replace screws to fill 

4. For a safety cable 
attachment, screw the 
forged eye bolt into the 
1/4-20 inserts on the back 
of the speaker. Attach 
included safety cable from 
forged eyebolt to secure 
mounting point on 
structure. Installer to supply 
fastener to structure.

2. Choose a secure 
mounting surface with 
sufficient strength to reliably 
hold the speaker. 
Surface-mount bracket must  
be mounted at least 3 
inches below ceiling, beam 
or other top structure. 
Bracket accepts 1/4 inch lag 
bolts (installer to supply 
fasteners). Be sure 
mounting tabs point up.

3a. Outward aiming: Mount 
speaker brackets to back of 
speaker with tabs down. 
Use included 1/2 inch wood 

7. Install security screw.

8. Done!

6. Slide speaker onto 
pre-mounted bracket.


Install Instructions For:

SM1001p Surface Mount Bracket



