I m por t a n t sa fe gua r ds
Read carefully t hrough t he m anual t o fam iliarize yourselves wit h t his unit .
Keep t his m anual handy as a reference for operat ing procedures and precaut ions. Do not allow persons
who have not read t hrough t his m anual t o use this unit .
This product contains a laser diode of higher class t han 1. Laser beam s from t he opt ical pickup are
dangerous t o t he eyes. To ensure cont inued safet y, do not rem ove any covers or at t em pt to gain
access t o the inside of t he pr oduct . Refer all servicing t o qualified per sonnel.
Do not allow t his unit to com e int o cont act wit h liquids. Elect rical shock could result. Also, dam age t o
t his unit , sm oke, and overheat ing could result from cont act with liquids or dust . Protect t his unit from
m oist ure.
Make sure that foreign obj ects do not get inside the unit ; t hey m ay cause m alfunct ions, or creat e safet y
hazar ds such as elect rical shock or laser beam exposure.
The beginning of operat ion is t he m om ent of t he unit inst allat ion. Before use t he device in winter it is
recom m ended t o heat up t he passenger com part m ent during 20 seconds or t o t he operat ion
t em perat ure.
Using t he unit w it h the t em perat ure t hat goes beyond t he operat ion tem perat ure great ly decreases t he
operat ion resource of t he screen and ot her com ponent s of t he unit and can result in an outage.
Disconnect t he vehicle’s negat ive bat t ery t erm inal while m ount ing and connect ing t he unit .
The unit is designed for negat ive term inal of t he bat tery, which is connected t o t he vehicle m etal.
Please ensure it before inst allat ion.
When replacing the fuse, be sure to use one wit h an ident ical am perage rat ing. Using a fuse wit h a
higher am perage rat ing m ay cause serious dam age t o t he unit.
Do not allow t he speaker wires t o be shorted t ogether when t he unit is switched on. Ot herwise it m ay
overload or burn out t he power am plifier.
Make sure you disconnect t he power supply and aerial if you will not be using t he system for a long
period or during a t hunderstorm .
Содержание SM-CMD3012
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Страница 36: ...36 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 ISO 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 4 1 1 6 1 7 1 8 1...
Страница 37: ...37 1 30 DIN DIN...
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Страница 39: ...39 1 2 3 1 3 2 2 3 4 5...
Страница 40: ...40 OPEN...
Страница 41: ...41 A B 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 12 4 5 5 6 6 7 12 7 8 8...
Страница 42: ...42 I SO A B 1 2 3 4 12 1 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 1 Attention You cannot use this function while driving...
Страница 44: ...44 1 2 EJECT 3 4 RESET 5 RESET...
Страница 46: ...46 1 2 CR 2025 3V 6...
Страница 57: ...57 MMC SD USB USB 1 1 USB PLAY PAUSE 1 PLAY PAUSE MP3 DivX JPEG MP3 DivX JPEG 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ENTER 0 AVI AVI 2...
Страница 61: ...61 DVD MENU ENTER PLAY PAUSE OK I D3 MP3 ID3 tag...
Страница 63: ...63 1 8 1 8 8 DVD DVD DivX R VOD DivX...
Страница 64: ...64 1 1...
Страница 65: ...65 Full Off L R L R...
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Страница 67: ...67 35 35...
Страница 68: ...68 RESET...
Страница 70: ...70 30 2010 2019 2011 R31982101 01792...