Ra dio D a t a Syst e m
RDS ( Radio Dat a Syst em ) service availabilit y var ies wit h areas. Please underst and if RDS service is not
available in you area, t he following service is not available, eit her .
AF ( Alt er n a t ive Fr equ en cies) fu n ct ion
Press AF but t on to t urn the AF funct ion on or off.
When the radio signal st rengt h is poor, enabling t he AF funct ion will allow t he unit t o autom at ically search
anot her st at ion wit h t he sam e PI ( Program I dent ificat ion) as the current st at ion but wit h st ronger signal
st rength, so t hat you do not have t o ret une the st at ions when driving bet ween different t ransm it ter coverage
areas. When AF sym bol is on, it m eans RDS inform at ion is received; when AF sym bol is flashing, it m eans
RDS inform at ion is not yet received.
PS ( Program Ser vice nam e) : t he nam e of stat ion will be display instead of frequency.
I f RDS service is not available in your area, t urn off t he AF m ode. Default set t ing is ON.
REGI ON AL ON / OFF m od e
Pr ess and hold AF, REGI ON ON/ OFF m ode is selected. Press AF butt on t o select REG ON/ OFF.
REG ON: AF switching or PI SEEK is im plem ented t o t he st at ion which have all PI codes are sam e as current
st at ion ( PI CODE is checked when AF CHECK in progress)
REG OFF: The regional code in t he form at of PI code is ignored when AF swit ching or PI SEEK is im plem ent ed.
( PI CODE and COVERAGE AREA is not checked w hen AF CHECK in progress)
TA ( Tr a ffic Alar m ) fu n ct ion
Press TA but t on t o t urn TA funct ion on or off.
I n TA m ode t raffic program will be aut om at ically searched, unt il t he program is received. When t raffic
announcem ent is received the unit will t em porarily swit ch t o t he t uner m ode ( regardless of t he current m ode)
and begin broadcast ing t he announcem ent . After t he t raffic announcem ent is over, it will ret urn t o t he
previous m ode and volum e level. To int errupt t raffic announcem ent press TA but t on short ly; it will not swit ch
off t he TA m ode.
Содержание SM-CDM1044
Страница 1: ...SM CDM104 4 CD MP3 RECEI VER CD MP3 I nstruction m anual...
Страница 24: ...24 1 24 25 26 1 27 33 35 36 38 RDS 39 USB SD MMC 42 45 45 46 48...
Страница 25: ...25 20...
Страница 26: ...26 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 ISO 1 5 miniUSB USB 1 6 M5 T 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 5X25 1 M5 5X29 3 1 8 7 1 8 1 9 1...
Страница 27: ...27 1 30 DIN DIN...
Страница 28: ...28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5...
Страница 29: ...29 1 2 3 1 3 2 2 3 4 5...
Страница 30: ...30 OPEN...
Страница 31: ...31 4...
Страница 32: ...32 I SO 1 I SO 2 I SO A B 1 2 1 3 4 12 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 1...
Страница 34: ...34 OPEN 1 SD MMC 2 3 RESET RESET...
Страница 44: ...44 AMS 3 SELECT A VOL SELECT 2 VOL SELECT...
Страница 45: ...45 3 8 3...
Страница 46: ...46 POWER 10 30 30...
Страница 47: ...47 ERROR 1 11 RESET ERROR 1 11...