Note: See separate instructions for operation of the
CD/MP3 player.
3. Turn the power switch ON
(plug in power cord for AC operation).
Observe LED indicators to confirm
battery level and power.
Battery Power
: The green light indicates the battery is at or near full
charge and ready to use. The yellow light means 30-60% usage remains, and
red means less than 30% remains and that the battery should be charged
before use (see “Charging the battery.” )
AC Power
: When plugged into an AC power outlet, the green LED will stay
on constantly as the system is being powered from the AC line (not the bat-
tery). Occasionally, when playing loudly, the LED’s may flicker between green
and yellow - this is normal.
4. Adjust the volume level and sound quality.
Increase the volume of the input being used to desired level (be sure the
microphone or input source is turned on!) Adjust base and treble controls and
set voice switch as necessary (see page 12 for more details).
Charging the battery.
!! For maximum operating time, charge the battery after
EVERY use.
The performance of the built-in battery will be greatly improved if the system is
charged completely after each use — storing the unit in a partially-discharged
condition will reduce the service life of the battery. (The Freedom may be left
plugged into an AC outlet during storage for optimum results.)
Charging the battery.
Turn the power switch “off”, then plug the cord into a standard
AC outlet to charge the Freedom battery. The unit automatically
begins charging, indicated by the yellow “charging” LED.
When the green “full” LED lights steady, the battery is 90% charged and
may be used immediately or left plugged in another 1-2 hours to top-off the
battery before use or storage.
Using talkover.
Press the red button to use the “talkover” feature, which automatically lowers the vol-
ume of all other inputs (including optional CD) when speaking on the microphone.
When to use talkover.
Use talkover when making voice announcements over music or
other program material being played through the sound system
(without having to manually adjust the other volume controls).
When you stop speaking into the microphone, the volume on
other inputs smoothly returns to normal in 3 seconds.
: The talkover feature is assigned to optional wireless mic
1 if installed; otherwise, it is assigned to the mic 1 XLR input.)
Setting the tone controls.
Use the treble and bass controls to adjust for best sound quality and clarity. The
top-center mark indicates a ‘flat’ response.
For outdoor / voice applications:
Set the voice switch to “loud” for outdoor
and other applications where powerful voice
projection is needed.
Turn the bass control to the 9 o’clock posi-
tion for maximum voice clarity (reducing the
bass level will also increase battery life).
For indoor / music playback:
Set the tone controls to the flat (12 o’clock)
position, then adjust for desired sound qual-
ity (be sure the voice switch is in the “normal” position).
Set the voice switch to the “normal” position when playing music and for most
indoor applications.
CD/MP3 player operation.
See separate instructions for operation and features of the CD/MP3 player.