Loudness Maximizer
Before connecting the Loudness Maximizer switch the power
off at all connected units.
The rear panel provides AES/EBU- and S/P-DIF-inputs and
outputs. Any additional channel, status and user-bits are passed
through unaltered, and the outputs can be used at the same time
if required.
The Loudness Maximizer operates with 24 bit word width. It
accepts 16 bit and 20 bit inputs and will create output signals
according to the input resolution.
For synchronisation purposes Wordclock In and Wordclock
Through BNC connectors are fitted with a switchable 75 Ohm
MIDI In and MIDI Through connectors allow presets to be
selected via MIDI program change commands.
For easy upgrade of future software releases, the rear panel
offers RS-232 interface for PC and RS-422 interface for MAC.
Installing Updates:
Note: All presets will be lost after installing a new software
1. Connect your computer with the Loudness Maximizer via a
serial port with a standard Z-modem cable. RS-232 for PC and RS-
422 for MAC.
2. Open a terminal program like “Hyperterminal” on PC and
make the following adjustments:
Baud rate: 9600; Stop bit: 1; Parity: none; Data bit: 8; Handshake:
no; Transfer mode: ZMODEM
3. Switch on the Loudness Maximizer and depress both Preset
Up and Preset Down until the LC- display says “wait for Zmodem
4. Load the update file into your terminal program and send it to
the Loudness Maximizer.The LC-display shows the progress of the
download in kB.
5. After successfully installing the new software version the
LC-display says “download valid”.
6. Switch the Loudness Maximizer off and on. The new software
version number is displayed in the first INFO page (simulta-
neously depress Store and Apply; also refer to Control Elements
No. 9, INFO).
7.If an error occurred during download the LC-display says
“download failed”. The Loudness Maximizer now waits for a new
download. Please check all adjustments on your terminal
program and try again. If you are still unsuccessful contact your
local dealer.
Rear view L
oudness M
odel 9632