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makes life better!
Wind - some babies feel better after they have had a chance to
bring up some wind. One way to do this is to place your baby in an
upright position against your shoulder and pat your baby’s back
Bath - some parents swear by giving their baby a warm bath. It can
instantly calm some babies, but be aware that it can also have the
opposite effect. You know your baby best.
Quiet time - after feeding, put your baby down for some quiet time.
Be aware he or she may cry for a few minutes before going off to
sleep. Most babies’ settle when taken for a walk and the exercise
helps parents feel better too.
Drive - Some babies only seem to settle when taken for a drive.
This is not ideal, but if you are able to do this, it might be useful,
particularly during the early weeks and months.
Rocking - your baby got use to your body movements while in
the womb. Your baby may miss that motion, so rocking and other
swinging movements may help.
Whispering - to babies will sometimes get their attention and stop
them crying.
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