Form 924 (05.18) ©SOR Inc.
Pre-Installation Test
Remove instrument from shipping box and visually inspect for obvious physical dam-
age. Report any shipping damage to the carrier. Report any internal discrepancies to
the factory representative in your area. Record the serial number from the nameplate
should conversation with the factory be necessary.
Remove housing cover.
Place instrument on an insulated surface or support so sensor does not touch a
Ensure area is safe and observe normal precautions for exposed and powered
Apply appropriate power to terminals of Line Power Terminal Block. (See page 6.)
Move failsafe select switch to LO position and observe green LVL LED. (See
Turn the Level adjustment clockwise (25 turns) to decrease the set point until the
green LVL LED turns on.
NOTE: Do not turn the Level adjustment past 25 turns! Damage to the unit could result.
Turn the LEVEL adjustment counterclockwise until the green LED turns off.
Slowly move a hand toward the probe to touch it. The green LED will be on when the
probe is touched. If not, turn the LEVEL adjustment clockwise less than one turn. The
green LED should be on when the probe is touched.
When practical, use a small container of actual process material to calibrate the con-
trol. If the actual process vessel is metal, use a metal container (coffee can, etc.) and
ground it to the instrument housing. If the actual process vessel is an insulator, such
as fiberglass, use a plastic container.
Immerse the sensor in the process material; the LED should light. If not, it may be
necessary to turn the level adjustments.
To detect an interface, such as oil/water or foam/liquid, the lighter material must be
on the sensor, then tuned out. Then move the LEVEL adjustment to detect the heavier
process material. (See