Before Use >
Finding More about Your VAIO Computer
Before contacting VAIO Helpdesk by telephone, try to solve the problem by reading the supplied documentation and visiting
other Sony web sites.
For other Sony products, visit the web site at
For available optional accessories, visit the following web sites:
(Traditional Chinese)
GVD model_END
China model_BGN
If you have any problem with the computer, you can visit the VAIO online web sites at
Before contacting VAIO Helpdesk by telephone, try to solve the problem by reading the supplied documentation and visiting
other Sony web sites.
For other Sony products, visit the web site at
For available optional accessories, visit the web site at
China model_END
US model_BGN
4. Customer Information Center
If you do not find the information you are looking for at our site, you may call Sony directly. You can find the contact numbers
on the Sony online support web site. In order to receive the fastest and most efficient services, have the following information
readily available:
Your VAIO computer model