Other Information
If the song has a limited playing
period or playing count, you may
not be able to check it out to Music
Clip player, depending on the
restrictions set by the copyright
holders. For details on the settings
of each song, contact the service, or
see the OpenMG Web site.
You may be trying to check out 100
or more songs to Music Clip player.
The maximum number of songs that
can be checked out to Music Clip
player is 99.
Your computer does not authenticate
Music Clip player.
There is a communication error
between your computer and Music
Clip player. Disconnect the USB
cable, reconnect it, and then restart
OpenMG Jukebox.
You are using a USB hub. Music
Clip player may not work when
connected to certain USB hubs.
Connect the USB cable to your
computer’s USB port.