XYPRO Technology Corporation
Proprietary and Confidential
Appendix C: XDP Host Macros
Several macros are supplied with the XDP software. These macros provide extra
functionality or convenient methods of performing common tasks.
Throughout this manual, it is assumed that XDP is the name assigned to XDP at
installation. If your installation uses another name, the macro names will change
to match the name at your installation.
The XDP macros are stored in the XDP_SEG TACL segment that is attached when
the user executes XDP INSTALL.
The XDPHELP command displays the contents of the DPHELP file. At installation, this
file contains the standard XYPRO help message for XDP, but this file can be
customized for your site using EDIT.
XDP_AUDIT_REPORT A single line batch-oriented
method of generating an audit report.
XDP_BOUNCE Stops and restarts the
XYGATEDP process.
XDP_COMPILE Creates a compiled file
called DPCONFB, which is compiled from
the files DPACL and DPCONF.
XDP_CREATE_ENFORM Installs a copy of the ENFORM
program and its components in the
XYGATEDP installation subvolume
and attaches XDP to it.
XDP_CREATE_SQLCI Installs a copy of the SQLCI
program and its components in the
XYGATEDP installation subvolume
and attaches XDP to it.
XDP_DATETIME_MAKE This macro will calculate a
date in the past equal to the days
entered. This macro can be used to
calculate dates and establish date
ranges to include in a customized
XYGATEDP report.