Sony SL-HF750 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 37

Содержание SL-HF750

Страница 1: ...v 3 m F p 4 g r w r lld arW m L w k 1 AdJustingtheTV 38 Rmaefth thetaetiw channels1 r area 37 Clock setting 3 ADJUSTMENTS 1 GENERAL This unltcanbe usedwithanyvldeocassettetapes having e the mark m It iscwnpaWewlth the mIs mandWBtypemmding andplayback formats andwill play backtapesmmdedin theCWformat t n 1 1 C A ...

Страница 2: ...of Part I5of FCCRules which are signed t oprovidereasonableprotectionagainst suchinterferencektaresldentlalinstallation However thereisno guaranteethat interfere wlll notoccur ina particularhsfallation Ifthis equipmentdoescauseinterferenceto radioor televisionreception whichcanbedeterminedbyturning theequipmento f andon tha userIsencouragedto try to correctthe interferencebyoneor moreof the foltow...

Страница 3: ...e c o r d l n g o r playback Storethecasettesintheircaaesmdbepthem i nan uprightposition topreventIntrusionof dustanduneven wind ng r WHAT ISBETAHCR RECORDING In conventionalrecording audiosignalsarereccndedon the audiotrackandvtdeo signalsonthevideotrack InBela hi ftrecording audiosignalsarerecordedon thevideotrack together wlth Ihevideosignalsusing2rotaryMdeoheads The Betahi fiaudlosignalsarefre...

Страница 4: ...indhtonr d Cassetteindicator Tape speedindicator O Twnontime setttnglndlcatar Q Timer ram poshion O Tuma time of a Plrnerd i n g Tapewunter T u dtlme settinghdkator Q Turn offtimeof a timer rscordlng STEREO indlcator REMOTESENSOR Detectsthesignalstransmittedfrom the Remote Cornmander m C T b u t t o n Presstoejectthecassette a e b u t t o n s a n c i i n d c a t o r s SILL lflO lE XI X2 SCAN 4IFRA...

Страница 5: ...selecjWct annel andtr s thecbckwtimer Pwm O RECORD UWI Fmstostart recording T a p r a k n t o n s a n d m rrREW wwh PLAY FF fadfarnard STOP I IP A U S U H s f l U CHANNEUTIMER I buttons RECORDbutton Tapetransport buttonsand indicators lNDMbutton TAPERETURNbutton COUNTERRESETbuttan TVMV button IN JMbutton Usedfor theindexscanor indexsearchoperation TAPE REIURNbrttan Instopmode presstoadMnceo rM n d...

Страница 6: ...lMERbutton EDITswitch AUDIO MONITORSTEREWUR selector INPUTSELECTswitch AUDIO MONITORHI FVNORMALseWor NORMALAUDIO sdector BITA HI FIswitch MPX multiplex FILTERselector SUPER BETAswitch pFJWSPLAYbuHon Usedtoturnonanddf theomreendisplay aNORMALTRACKINGeartrd Normallykeepat thecenterdetentpoaltion Turntoobtain thebesf possiblepicture ifs t orsrmw appears durlngnormalplayback SCOwTRBCKINQeontrd Normall...

Страница 7: ...ecordSAPsMmd sett o SAP BETAH 1 nSWM ON Normallyset tothlspodtion M l n gwlll becarried out In Betahi fisystem OFF Settothispesltlon torecordonlyintheconventional system hwxfl m kd OFF Normallyatothisposlth ON ForreoordlngFMbmadc programs Ifyour FM tuneshasaninternalMPXfilter setthls selectorto OFF PCM ForPCMreoording s u a r m NormallykeepthisswbhatON C O l n p t f t j a d c r n j m c k l Connect...

Страница 8: ...rewdriver orsimilarobject If youcovettheopen ngwithapleceof plastlctape w t i m thesafetytabhasbeenremovled youcanm r donthe cassette Ifyouactlvate RECORDorTIMER RECwhentheInserted cassettehasItssafetytabremwed thecasettewHI be automaticallyejected Recordingtimeavailable ineachmode Byselectingthe recordingspaed mIsIDQorlOm with the REGMODEbutton you candectdetherecordingtime 15mln 30min 45 min 30r...

Страница 9: ...ECTbutlondoesnothnctionduringd n g T o a p m W E e h m PressOPENKXOSEThecassetkoMlrpartments l h out vmetherthetapeisrunningor notThisallowscheckof the remainingtapeamaunt M o l e Q o n t h e c P g s e t t e c o m Becarefulnotto trapyour handm nthem3sette compartmentandthecabinetwhenthecompartmentIs maving If you shoulddoso thewssetlecompartmentwill automaticallystopandmow intheoppositedirectbnIn ...

Страница 10: ... ontheTV andselectthechannelforthemwrder 1 Tumonthe power Gbckthepositionsoftheselectors 2 Selectthe recordingspeedwith RECMODE 3 Inserta tie 4 PressTV TR to selecttheVTR mode 5 SelectthechanndtoberecodedwithCHANNELI TIMER I 6 Press RECORD Reaxdingwfll begin 4 AUTOSTEREO MPX FlLTER I OFF B W A HI FI 4 O N Chedronthmawlitwsaeen If thedisplaydoesnot appear pressDtSPLAYinsidethe front panelorontheCom...

Страница 11: ...n increasingnumberof prrqrams willbebroadcast instereo CalledMultichannelTV Soundo f MTS the new technologywill greatlyenhanceTV viewingby bringingyouprogramswith highfidelity stereo sound MTSalsoprovldesfwanextrachannelcatledtheSword Audio ProgramorSAPwhich broadcasterscanuseto transmitasecondlanguageforbilingualtransmissionsor anyothersoundtrack MakesumAUTOSTEREOinthetuningcompartment isset toON...

Страница 12: ...youcanenjoystem wund repmductlan When aconventi d monaural TV Isconnected the sound of the leftandrlgMchannelsaremixedsothatmonaural soundc o wfromtheTV s p e a k T r e l e c t t h e l e f t o r r l g M o f Set AUDIO MONITORto HI FIand to LorR Seiectthe position Loeft or R right accedingtothe channelyouwish to listento d S A P s a w r d To listentotheSAPscwndthat wasrecordedwith NORMAL AUDIOsettoS...

Страница 13: F I Whenyou releasethebutton normalplaybackwill be L C resumed To playbackatapehwnthe beginningof thetapeafter M d n g Press PLAY kmpingthe 4REWdepressed After the tape ismpietely rewound itwill beautomatically played back Keep pressingw FFo r uREWdurlngfast forwardor rewindmcde Whenyoureleasefhe button the fast forwardor rewindmode wlllberesumed Streakswilt a m randswnd willbemuted inthe Betas...

Страница 14: ... r r t l m d o f t h e s p e d pressREV Toresumeforwardplayback press FWD To Ihsplaybadsped simplypressthedesired speedbutton TommetKwmalplqbckpress PLAY If hfrwzeplchrmappearsbshake PressSTIUADJ inthetuning cornparhnentuntilthe plcturestabilizes Aslongasthe sameTV orcolormonitorisused readjustmentshould notIE necessary I fsbwtbornalse bandsa rearinfmzeIstqm m o r l f l O a r 1 1 5 s p e d b w a r...

Страница 15: ...he programsandtheircounterr d i COUNTER RESET T Thecaunterm8dingisaukmaticallyresettozerowhen casswebW l y I d v Thecdunmrd i n gwill bemtdnedinthem r yeve afterthtapowerCtumed off aslongasthecassetteisIc _ th mQtsetbcompartmentmt 5frsoounterwUI notadvanoedurin that isblankorun 2 Whenrecordingor playbackisfinished stopthatapeand pressTAPERETURN Thetape will berewoundor advancedcloseto the paint wh...

Страница 16: ... I f t h e R e m o t e b n o t W b u s e d W a b n g of tlme removethebatteriestoavoidpossibledamage causedby batteryleakage Select COMMAND MODE m 1o r m 2 POWERswitch VOL volume I buttons MUTINGbutton Varlabtespeed playbackbuttons TVMT button 4II MI l b x 1114x115 xl Q TIMERICH channel buttons TAPERETURNbutton Buttonsfortlmersettlng TIMER REC tirn recording TIMER CHECK CLEAR TIMER Sm NEXT QUICKTI...

Страница 17: ...CR SimplybyswitchingtheVlR1MR2 mlectwonthe RemoteCommander youcancontrolt w oVCRs separately CHANNELmMER functlon button function button and indicator JOGdial IChannel selection PresstheCHANNEUTIMERfunct on buttonandturnthe JOG dial clockwise to select a hlgher numberedchannel and counterclockwisetoselect a lower numberedchannel Toset the dayof theweek turn onandturn offtimesand channelof atirner ...

Страница 18: ...u canusethebuttonseitheronthe recorderoronthe RemoteCommander NO Tbutton Ex Today rs Friday Everytimeyou pressthe NEXTbutlon theitemto be presetwillblink THISWEEK Su MaTu WeTh FrSa Fr Sa CHANNWMER I buttons orTIMERICH I buttons 0nthaCommander To setthedayof theweek thetumonandt u r n 4 times WEEK AFTER NEXT andthechannel press toadvance and to go Su Mo Sa SudMo back JOGdial Su Mo Sa Toset the dayo...

Страница 19: ...fandthe lmxwderwillentedthestandbymode I M i n gwill startat thepesett l mand will automatically s t o p w h e n t h e i n g I s T h b m e m o r y o f t h e p e a p t s v e r y settingwillbeemmi andtbetfmerprogramnumberswfll advanoeonebyone ...

Страница 20: ...ressTIMERREG TheTIMER RECindicatorgoesoff 2 PmsCHECKt os e k t theprqrarntobe erased 3 RessCLEARThem r y o f ttleprogramwlllbe ellminated 4 IfottierprogramshavebeenpresetformxYCling press TIMER RECegaintoreactivatethetimer Thetape1 sat Itsend Whenthepresettlngsof your t h n e r mwrdws o w Therewtll benoerrorindicationto informyouof theoverlap Evenif there Isanoverlap a recordingwill bemade will be...

Страница 21: ...3 PressQUlCKTIMER so thatthe recordlngstarts Now declde the recordingduration 1 Recordngduratlon Everytimeyou pressQUICKTIMER the recordlngduration lndlcationchangesasfollows a30 1 m 1 m 2 m 5 m CMX 30 am qneenda hue Rve rer0 minutes hwr halfh r havs hours tl Jr 4 I When the recordingstarts the durationindicationdecrwws minuteby mlnvteto MW andthe powerwill beturnedoff automatically ahout 30second...

Страница 22: ...hen RECORDkpressedorwhena thnermcodingstarts RECORD m Whlletheindexsignal isbeingmarked Indexsignetscanbemarkedatanydesiredpointonthetape duhgd n tlmerrecordb lgo rm a 1p l a At the point whereanindexsignal isto bemarked press INDEXMARK srik Wfrlle theindex signal is beingmarked 7 1 I Blinks Monitorscreen mWkd W k ek butthe rmWMgMImat ...

Страница 23: ...imesuntllthe Indexnumberofthe desiredprogramisdisplayed Forinstance to locatethesecond programahead two index signalsshouldbedetected so pressINDauntil 2 isdisplayed Onthe otherhand tolocatethesecond programMind threesignalsshouldbedetected so press thebuttonuntil 3 isdisplayed Lightssteadily 1 INDEX Ifyouenter anincorrectindexnumber press I STOPto resetthedisplay 3 Tolocateapreviousprogramontheta...

Страница 24: ...etape isbeingplayed back pressINDEX ERASE 1 Stopthetapewith rnSTOP 2 Pressthe INDEXbuttonseveraltimesuntilthe numberof the Indexsignalto beerased isdisplayed 3 PressuREWorm FF 4 Within approx IOseconds while thetape isbeingplayed back pressINDM ERASE Whilettwindexsignal i s b e l n g d ERAS Aftertheerasure index scanwlll resume At each index signat located pressINDEXERASE Tostop Indexscanning pres...

Страница 25: ...teandp m RECORD MmudlyadfuslRECLEVELsothat the ffrstredelementli ltsuponlyatthe W sranalM I MIN o 1 2 3 4 m e 7 8 9 t o M u I 6 for leftchannel rdrtlsht channel AUDIO MONITOR HKIandSTEREO formonitoringthe m n dto bereoorded INPUTSELECT UNUPCM SUPER BET ON J L ON whenrecordingfroman FMtuner setMPX F l L mto ON lfyour FMtunerhasandInternal MPXfilter settoOFF ...

Страница 26: ...5 thecable ThepictureofthecablelVprogramandthesoundfromthe FMtuner areremdedonthevldeotrack Thesoundof the cableTV programisrecordedontheconventionalaudio track FM tuner m l w CATV 75ohmcoaxialcable RFv a t o r toUNEIN AUDIO 9 9 I INP TSELECT SIMULCAST Useanoptionalpmgm W t oturnthew d bsysteman andoff The settingofthecontrolsisthesameas in RECORDING FROMYOUR AUDIOSYSTEM onpage25 Setthe m r W s tl...

Страница 27: ...UT to LINEOUTVlDEOmCM OFF UNElPCM BETAHI FI PCM ON withamodel and selecttape dhsdructionmanualfurnishedwith the Amplifier CAMERA RECORDING WhenconnectingaSonycdorvideocamm theuseafthe SonyHVA 220ACadaptorisrequired Fordetailsonconnectloris refertothe instructionmanual furnishedwith theAC adaptor ...

Страница 28: ...other rnaWialsmaybeoopyrighted UnauthortEedduplicationof suchmaterialmaybe cantrary tothepmvkmof thecopyright laws TO A HOME MOVIE TAPE FROM THE SL Hm0TO ANOTHER VCR L 1 Slgnalftow Connectingcord supplied 1 t o L I N E 1 w2 A AUDIO to UNEOUf1or2 VNIC1S optional 3 VIDHXPCM SL HF750 A i s BETAHI FI wlth a ral VCR t oNORMAL I Connectina cord su plled to LINEIN VMGtS optional to LINEIN VlDEOlPCM AUDIO...

Страница 29: ...ausemode andthen follow theinstructionmanualof the playbackVCR for the automaticBssembkedltlng To edit froma VCR equippedwiih a CONTROLSartputand synchroedit function RecordingstagtlstopontheSL HRSOcanbeact vated in synchronizationwith playbackstarVstoponthe playback VCR simplybypressing SYNCHROEMTon playback VCR Fordetails onthe synchroedit operation re toihe instructionmanualof the playbackVCFI ...

Страница 30: ...o8 of theoriginaltapepreset Fordetailsontheconneetionandopmtlon refertothe inthecontrollercanbeeditedautomaticallyintheorder instnictlonmanualofthe RMEtWE100V m t toWNTROLS INor CONTROLL recorder CCDVB etc d Vldeoandaudioconnection ...

Страница 31: ...otconnecttheACpowercordtoawalla muntilall theconnectionsofthevideocassetterecorderandtha TV havebeencompleted Maketheconnectionsfirmly Looere adistortedplctum Usetheremovedseparatortoconnecttherecarderandthe lv andconnect ...

Страница 32: ... mUHFNHFantennatsrminel Easyconnectionof the recorderto theTV canmadewith the supplied750hmcoaxialcable regardlessof the typesof antenna ComtlonabetwaenthemmderWFIC1HFOUf amneatorandtheanbi nabmMalsof aTV receW B h o u f d b e a s s h o v l m h I r w r t r u c t l a n s Failuretodosomay ll Inoperationthatvidataattw regulationoftheFardePalCommunicatbmCommission regardingthewreandopmth ofrf devices ...

Страница 33: ...Werecommendyoutoconsultyour cablecompanytomake surethat thecableispmpdyconnected r r I 750hm l a J caMe supplied cableTV programwhilerecordingonecableTV program lie T V mbuttonI ssettoTV ...

Страница 34: ...iverdeswbdonpages31and32 Fardetailsontheconnectionof theTVtuner andthemonitor refertotheinstructionmanualof theTVtuner Toobtain abetterqualitypicture connectacolorNtonito suchastheSony ProfeelTttnltmComponentTV Whena comprmt TV iscombinedwith thespaakersystem as illustrated youcanenjoytapeswwnhd with Betahi fi stereo ...

Страница 35: ...tereowhenthe recorderisconnectedtoyour audiosystem Connectingcord toUNEOuT1arP Canneoting supplied 3 to LINE1 MAUDIO to recording outputs Amplifier Conmcthtothe recehrerequippedwtthVIDEOmneclors to UNEINVIDEOIPCM toVIDEOOtrr CDplayer D D FMtuner UNEOCrrl or2 ComponentTV ...

Страница 36: ...Vprogramselectedonthe corder orthetapeprogram wlHbedwayedontheTV screen Ifapicturedoesmtappear ontheTVacreenorH thedlsplayI snotclear flwtune the r 8lmtfielv Fordetailsabout7Vchannela d w seetheinstruction r M n u a I 0 f t f i e l v I chdtl Chebt Checkthattheprogram Checkthat thedisplayonthe displayedonthescreenchanges screenchanges when youstop when ad l h m tchannel is thetapebypressing STOPon ...

Страница 37: ...cationappearsmomentarliy indlcatlngthat Set IMPLlTSELECTont r t o T U N E R thechannelhasbeenerased ForpresettingcableTVd mM a pmsCATWORMto displaytheCATVLndlcatorintWcOIsp aywindow Faroff Repeatsteps 1and2fwotherchannelsto beerased M rTVchannels Itagaintotumoff theCATV IrKkatm ADDING CHANNELS CaMeTV systemsuw lettersornumberstodeslpnate 1 S e l e c tthechannelto beaddedwith tbnudbuttons andENTER ...

Страница 38: ...ET Set thedaywlth the or buttonuntil We appears 2 PrssNDCT Setthehowwiththe or buttonwrtil PM3W appm AM 1200 midnight PM 12AKk nobn CHANNELmMER toadvance togo back Settheminutewith the tor button until PM956 a p m 4 NEXT Furaccuratesetting pressNEXTatthesame timewithan announcedtimesignal Theclockwillnowshow thec u m t time Thedotsof thecolon alternatelyblinkevery30s6mnds ...

Страница 39: ...ms3weeksat max Pawerb up SslfcharglngbatteryInmpmtacI Backupduratlmupto38eoondsa tonellme afterthebattefyhasbeenchargedat 40 h m Pawerrequlmts 120Vac 10 80Hr 0 5 Rwercmsurnptlon 49W ACwtbt Unswltchedmaw 400W v n p tempsrat 5OCto40aC 41 Fto 1W09 Storagetemperature mcto m C d F to4 1400f D i m i o n s Approx 450 95x420rnm HclNd f17xR4x tBY r inches incl w i n gpartsmdoontrols W W Approx llBkg 25Ib5 ...

Страница 40: ... Dl0 MONITOR STEREOIuF1 isset to Lor R A o p k t w e o T V w m d n g T h e c h a n n e l isnotset tothatpresetfor d m d e r 1 n g w p m PmssTVMTRsothattheVTR ndicator appearsinthewlndaw ThdvldeoiWa mayMcontaminated CleantheMadsusingthe Sany L 2SXvidao headcleaningcassette Fordetailsoncleaning W t athehstnietimsfurnishedwiththecleaningcaswtte theSAP S AUDIO I sMngplayd backwfthAUDIO WITORIHI FUNORM...
