Issue 1
Page 6
© Sony United Kingdom Ltd
March 2009
(b) File structure
The camera will create a folder named ‘VIDEO’ in the root directory of the compact
flash card. It will also create an ‘HVR’ folder within the ‘VIDEO’ folder and it is in
this folder that the video content will be stored.
The file names will match the following convention:-
Camera number – configurable in the memory recorder
Clip number – will increment by one for each new clip
Year – taken from timecode
Month – taken from timecode
Day – taken from timecode
Hour – taken from timecode
Day – taken from timecode
Day – taken from timecode
File type - .m2t/.dv/.avi
There are also other files stored on the compact flash (eg. .idx files) that contain
further information about the content. However, all the audio and video is recorded
within the .m2t/.dv/.avi file.
Note. The compact flash cards are formatted following the FAT32
specification. This format can be read/written on both Windows and
Mac based platforms without the need to install additional software.
However, this format has a maximum file size of 4GB, which
corresponds to approx. 16 minutes of recording. When the recording
time is greater than this, the memory recorder will automatically start a
new file when the 4GB size is reached. The files can then be
seamlessly merged back together on a computer.
(c) Copying and backing up content
It should be remembered, that when using the memory recorder it is also possible to
create an instant back-up on the tape. Many users find the idea of having a tape as
back-up and long term archive as their preferred solution. For backing up the files,
there are varying tools that can help with copying and backing up content, although
these are not covered here.
When looking to remove or copy the content from the compact flash, then it is
important to copy all the files from the card. It is recommended that the ‘VIDEO’
folder is copied into a folder on the destination drive. This will ensure that all the
files, including the index information are transferred, and not just the video and audio.
These additional files may enable better integration with the editing system