If verification succeeds, the [Register] button will be available. You can register now by
clicking [Register]. If verification fails, the [Register] button won't be available. Please
verify again or re-scan your fingerprint 3 times by clicking [Back].
When you finish registering your fingerprint, you will be asked to register another
fingerprint. If you click [Yes], you will repeat the enrollment process and register
another fingerprint.
Sony strongly suggests enrolling more than one fingerprint. In fact, you may want to
register a thumb and index finger from both left and right hands to be sure that you can
use your Puppy unit comfortably no matter where it is connected.
If you click [No], user creation is finished. You can always come back to User Manager
to add more fingerprints or change your registered data.
You will now see the [User Manager Menu] dialog box.
Figure 4: User Manager Menu
Private File Storage Setup
After you have registered your fingerprints and/or passwords, you can set up your private storage
area directly from the User Manager interface. Remember that this is accessible at any time via a
click on [Start] in the Taskbar ->[Programs]->[Puppy Suite 810] or by clicking on the Puppy
Suite icon in the System tray and choosing [Start User Manager]. You can also access User
Manager on other non-Puppy Suite software-enabled PCs by double-clicking UserManager.exe
in the Public area of your FIU-810 drive. For more information on accessing your files, please
see “Accessing Your Files on Your FIU-810 Unit” in Section 4.
The private storage area, which is displayed as a removable disk drive on your PC, can be
opened only after you are authenticated. The private storage area is not allocated by default to
give you the freedom to choose the amount of storage you want to set aside as protected.
Training Your Puppy
Page 14