the intensity of the brightest part of the picture:
a) AUTO KNEE – camera may change knee mid-shot – this isn’t really
generally desirable – it may cause highlights to flicker
b) KNEE POINT – Allows you select point where curve starts attenuating.
gives protection against blowing out highlights; 80 is low (max dynamic
range, but can make whites look too grey), 90 is mid setting, 100 is high
setting (looks more natural than 80 but offers less protection); default is 90
GAMMA CURVES – camera has 5 different gamma curve settings; the gamma
curve determines the contrast curve of the camera, i.e. how quickly it responds to
a)Affects overall sharpness of image; higher setting adds edge enhancement and
contrast to increase perception of sharp detail. Can also appear to add texture
to image.
b)Higher settings also accentuate noise in image
c)Lower level can clean up noise, but can also look soft; low levels are optimal if
you are planning to blow up to film
d)0 - +5 is safe range for general use
a)Contrast control; controls video black level
b)Lower setting = deeper, richer black
c)Higher setting = more washed out, milky black
d)Be cautious about setting pedestal too low; you risk crushing blacks and losing
image detail in shadows. Crushed blacks can make a nice, sharp, snappy
image, but this is the sort of thing you can also do in post when you color
correct – so it’s better to preserve as much detail as possible at the shooting
• Press “Visual Index” button (under handle) to enter playback mode
Always offload your footage after shooting. You are responsible for making sure
your media is safely stored and backed up. All media is wiped out when the
camera goes back to checkout /to another user.