Sony DSC-P2 - Cyber-shot Digital Still Camera Скачать руководство пользователя страница 42

Содержание DSC-P2 - Cyber-shot Digital Still Camera

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Страница 2: ...angesor modifications not expresslyapprovedin this manualcould void your authority to operaic tIniscqtipment ate This equipmenthasbeentestedandfound to comply with the limits for a class B digital device pursuantto Part 15of the FCC Ruies Theselimits aredesignedto provide reasonableprotectionagainstharmful interferencein aresidentialinstallation This equipmentgenerates uses andcanradiate radio fre...

Страница 3: ...with this equipmenthasa detachablefuse cover be sureto attachthe fusecover alter you changethefuse Never usethe plug without the fusecover If you shouldlosethe fusecover pie lsec5nlact your nearestSony servicestation Directive EMC rpirective89 336 EEC 9213IEEC 7 equipmentcomplies with theEMC regulationswhen usedunderthe fobliowing circumsfances Residentl zea eBusinessdistrict Light industry distri...

Страница 4: ...areoperationalfor effeclive use However theremay be sometiny black points and orbright points white red blue or greenin color that constantlyappearon the LCD screena13d theLCD finder These points arenormal in themanufactactlting processanddo not aeecrrherecordingin anyway Be careful when placing the cameraneaza window 01 outdoors Eq osingrile LCD screen the finder or the lensto direct sunhghtfor l...

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Страница 6: ...on a TV screen __ _ 32 Deleting images ___ __ 34 Deleting on the Index nine images screen 35 Deieting on rhe Index three images screen 36 Formatting a Memory Stick _ ___ 38 Copying sGil images to your computer 39 Instaliing the USR driver _ 40 Preparing your camera d 1 Connecting your camera I0 your compsirer 42 Copying images _I 49 Viewing the images 011 yoi r compater 46 For Macirxosl3 users ___...

Страница 7: ...or rile Index three images screen 48 Shooring movies I 69 Viewing movies 011 ihe CD screen m Deleti ig movies 7 1 For the single screen __ __ ___ _ __ 71 For the index nine images screeli 7 I For the Index three images screen 72 Editing movies 73 Cutting movies 73 Deleting unnecessaryportions of movies 74 Copying movies to your computer 7S For Windows 98 SE 2000 Me users 75 For Windows XT users 75...

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Страница 10: ...d the battery compartment as iilusrrated above Make surethe battery pack is properly inserted then close the COVU Open the cover in the arrow direcrion as illustrated above Connect the plug with the mark facing LIP ...

Страница 11: ...Em ejstct leader Open Ihe batteryl Memory Stick ccver and psh dowel the battery eject lever in the mow direction asillustrated above ...

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Страница 13: ...with the LIP ou can useyour camera in any country or areawith the supplied AC power adaptor within 100V to 240 V AC 50 60 Hz Use a commercially available AC plug adaptor a ifnecessary depending the v I outier wll socket ...

Страница 14: ...e current settings of the camera bring up the mm ox the SET L P screen page 50 andusethe controi buttoi3 to malxt the changes For each item press to select ihe sired value then press the center to make the setting ...

Страница 15: ...r I To change values for the time and ihe date that have beenpreviously set set the mode dial iO SET UP seleci CLOCK SETJin age 93 ihen proczed from Step The POWER lamp lights in green and the CLOCK SET screen appears You can select from U M T year montlti day M D Y and D M V ...

Страница 16: ...tem currentiy selected to be set After setting the current numerical value setthe next iicm Repeat the above process until all of the items have been sei After the date and time are set the clock will start to keep time ...

Страница 17: ...sert the Niemory Stick all Ihe way in Slide the cover in the direction of the arrow until it clicks as shown in the illustration Open the hattery Memory Stick cover then push Ihe Memoq Stick to pop it out ...

Страница 18: ...The knagc size is set The knage quaiiiy is set When the setting is completed press MENU Themenu disappearsfrom ihe screen ...

Страница 19: ...imagesizeandthehigher imagequality thebettery alsoLhelargertheamount Thenmnberof ages thatcanbesavedin FINIS STANDARD modeareshownbelow Units numberof I to preserveyourimage This meansyou cansavefewerimagesin your WIemorv Y 1280x960 12 23 24144 iOY j iii 1841 202 375 640x480 481120 195 4881 393 983 1 789 1973 i number ofpixels displayed 1280x960 Printingpostcard sizeima es ...

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Страница 21: ... 4 I TOreturnto shootingmode ssthe shutterbuttoniightiy or pres B onthe controlbuttonagain onthecontrolbuttonto select rbe ccnhnl butt Theimagewiil bedeleted ...

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Страница 23: ...Tor wn to normsal shootin on the control button again disappearsfrom the LCD screen ...

Страница 24: ...nches107 Feet IO1 Z inches if theinen iscurrentlydisplayed pressMENU first ICI makethemenudisappear Youcanchange thebrightness of theClash using FLASHLEVEL in themenusetiings page 90 In theAutoor Forcedflash mode youlook attheLCD screenin adxk place youmay noticesome noise in theimage butthiswill wetrioeficctontheimageyoushooi While theflashisbeingcharged the CNG lampIlashes After chargingisccmplc...

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Страница 26: ...e finder is convenient when you want to savebattery power or when it is difficult to confirni the image using the LCD screen Each time you press DSPL M D ON OFF the display changes in the fo oiiowingorder ...

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Страница 28: ...e the modes Iisted below to increase the quality cd your imges Under dark IighBng conditions yuu can shoot using the Twiiight mode and s i iget good images However becausethe sht tter speedis slower under these conditions we recormtlcnd you usea r ripod 7 nasi1 cmim beused ...

Страница 29: ...orerheshutter speed indication andthecamera speed indication andthecamera automaticail r changes to theP R slow automaticail r changes to theP R slow shurtex mode shurtermode TheNRslowshutter mode removes noisz TheNRslowshutter mode removes nois fromrecorded images providingclear fromrecorded images providingclear images Toeliminate theeffectsof images Toeliminate theeffectsof vibration useofatrip...

Страница 30: ...with this camera almost immediately on the LCD screen This camera offers the following three methods brviewing ycui irnagcs cxcupying the entire screen h K x nine im Nine inlaces wiii 0 simultaneoilsly in separatepanels on the screen ...

Страница 31: ... Dispiays the previous image Displays the next image Onthe contrd button tn move the yellow kame up dow leftt rigi7t ...

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Страница 34: ...The imagge has not yet beendeleted a this paint MEMORY STTCK ACCESS appearsoi the screen When this messagedisappears the image has been deleted ...

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Страница 37: ...e men MEMORY STICKACCESS disappears the image has been deleted Select CANCEL ...

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Страница 39: ... instaIIed at the factov is required for correct operations For the foliowing models update your OS to Mac OS 3 0 or 9 1 Mac with Mac OS 8 6 installed at the factory and aslot loading type CD ROM drive Book or Power Mac G4 with the Mac OS 8 6 installed ai the factory Operations we not guaranteed for all the There aretwo modes for aUSB connection NORMAI and PTP modes The factory serting is the NORM...

Страница 40: ...Tize LJSBdriver installation starts When the installation is completed the window informs you of completion Eject rhe CD ROM ...

Страница 41: ...Y Memory Stick ...

Страница 42: ...oRMAL 0000 J USB MODE NORMAL appearson the LCD screenof your camera When a USB connection is established for the fkst time your computer automatically runs the used program to recognize ywir camera Wai for a whiie ...

Страница 43: ...Tke ii IOOMSDW fcider opens ...

Страница 44: ...nfirm if thereis a Sony Devkes 3 If you find eitherof thedevices above follow thestepsbelowto deIetethem Click t SonyDSC or 5 Sonyz knldycam Click Delete The Device deletion confirmation windowappears IGIick OK Thedeviceis deleted Theimagesstoredin the Memory Stick ze displayed The ScannerandCamera Wizard window appears ...

Страница 45: ...he Picture Name and Destination window appears Copying of the images starrs When the task is completed the Other Options window appears e Hereihe My Documents folderis useda a copy tofolderfor explana x ...

Страница 46: ...The wizard window c oses ...

Страница 47: ...the conlkmafion window then click IW 4 Click OKJ This step is unnecessaryfor Wkxh s X7 users 5 Qisconnect the USB cable or remove the Wemory Stick Carry out only Step 5 above The image files recorded with your camera are grouped asfolders in the Memory Stick depending on the recording modes ...

Страница 48: ...MOBILE mode Small sizeimagefilesshotin E MAIL mode page59 Movie Alesshotnormally page69 Audiofiles shotin VOICEmode page59 Q The meanings of the file names are asabove E UO 1 standsfor any number within the range from 0001 to 9999 0 The numerical portions of the foilowing files are the same A small size image file shot jn E MAIL mode and irs corresponding image file An audio file shot in VOICE mod...

Страница 49: ...B cable or Memory Stick 1 Double click the newly recognized icori on the desktop The cmtents of the Memory Stick inserted jn your camera appear 2 Double click pCIMj 3 Double click I OOMSDCFj 4 Drag enddrop the image files to the hard disk icon The image files are copied to your hard disk 1 Double click the hard disk icon 2 Double click the desired image file in the folder containing the copied fli...

Страница 50: ...d menus and the SET UP screen Contrd button The frame of the selected setting will turn yellow and the setting will be made The SET UP screenappears The frame of the item you seiect wiil t11i n yellow Setthe mode dial to anything other than SET UP ...

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