In most respects the two camcorders are identical. The following are the important differences:
25P or 50i
50i or 59.94i
2x optical filter wheels
1 x optical filter wheel
Concealed accessory connector at rear
No connector
$ %
The explanation in the manuals of how the files and menus work is a little confusing to say the least.
This is an attempt to clarify what happens and when.
There are
, which allow you to access and adjust a parameter.
The values for each parameter are stored in
There can be a value stored for a parameter in each of several
of information.
The end result can be the sum of the data values in several layers (Relative Data)
The end result can be the value of just the top layer of data. (Absolute data)
The terminology used in the manuals is possibly the most confusing aspect. For instance the word
‘USER’ is applied to menus, layers and files…user menu; user file; user layer. The difference
between these three terms is important.
The access point to groups of adjustable items.
User Menu
Normally accessible whenever the camera is switched on. Stuff from any of the menus below
can be added to this menu, so that it could become the only menu you need. You can’t really say
what the user menu does, as it depends how many items and pages from the rest of the menu
are allocated to it.
Top menu
This is the menu of menus…Normally when you turn the menu on, you get the user menu as
described above. If you turn the menu on whilst holding the front scroll button pressed in, you get
the following extra menus to pass the time with in airport departure lounges:
User Customize
This is where you go to customize the user menu described above. Here you can add and delete
items to the user menu. You can create 5 pages of 10 items chosen from the menus below, plus
any whole pages you like, to create your user menu.
All menu
72 pages of settings. As the name suggests it contains all the available pages. These 72 pages
are then split into more manageable chunks, comprising the operation, paint, maintenance, file
and diagnostic menus described below.
Operation Menu
Things that affect the way switches, outputs and displays are configured. Not items that directly
affect pictures, but affect the way the controls work.