Figure 4: RF Ports Diagram
RF_N and RF_P form a complementary balanced pair and are available for both
transmit and receive. On transmit their outputs are combined using an external balun
into the single-ended output required for the antenna. Similarly, on receive their input
signals are combined internally. Both terminals present similar complex impedances
that may require matching networks between them and the balun.
An LC network, L4 and C17. This provides a DC bias for the BlueCore5-MM
from the 1.5V rail.
The BPF1 used to suppress the signal out of Bluetooth Frequency Band and
enhance the EMC capacity.
The DC level must be set at VDD_RADIO.
3.3 UART Ports
BC05 Module UART interface provides a simple mechanism for communicating
with other serial devices using the RS232 protocol. When BlueCore5
External is connected to another digital device, UART_RX and UART_TX transfer
data between the two devices.
The Baud rate of the UART ports:
1200 baud (
9600 baud (
Baud rate
4Mbaud (
3.4 USB Ports