- 2 -
The LMC-10 meter is powered with the use of the control unit.
Both configurations are shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2.
Fig. 1. Configuration of the LMC-10 measurement probe with the P-200 control panel.
Fig. 2. Configuration of the LMC-10 measurement probe with a PC.
1.2.1. Components of luminance meter
configuration with P-200 control unit
configuration with a PC / tablet
LMC-10 measurement probe
P-200 measurement module
LMC-10 measurement probe
RF-200C interface
RF200C measurement module
Each of the above-mentioned components of the measurement system is identifiable
according to the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025 standard. The LMC-10 measurement
probe, RF-200C converter and the P-200 control unit have unique serial numbers. The
measurement modules of the P-200 control unit and RF200C software are marked with
their own numbers of their software versions.
The P-200 control panel and the RF200C software are functionally corresponding to
each other.