8-Bit Micro-Controller
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Version 1.1
Version Date
VER 0.1
Jan. 2004
Preliminary Version 0.1 first issue
VER 0.2
Apr. 2004
1. Add the Application Notice section.
2. Modify the description of features section.
3. Modify the table of “Migration SN8P1604A to SN8P2604”
4. Modify the description of PUSH/POP in instruction table.
5. Modify the [e] parameter of SSOP28 package outline dimension.
6. Change the wakeup time formula.
VER 0.3
July. 2004
1. The first instruction at ORG 8 must be “JMP” or “NOP”.
2. Change the reset value of Y, Z, H, L, R registers from 00H to unknown.
3. In the operating ambient temperature, insert “D” after package type to indicate the
temperature range is –40
C ~ + 85
4. Modify some electrical characteristics: ViL, ViH, Ilekg, Rup, IoH.
5. Add “Development Tool Version” section in “Application Notice” chapter.
6. Change chapter name “TRANSITION SOCKET” to “OTP PROGRAMMING PIN” and
modify the contents.
7. Remove “Template Code” chapter.
VER 0.4
July. 2004
Change the description of ”S” parameter in all instruction cycle related explanation.
VER 0.5
July. 2004
Remove all TC0 timer description and modify programming information.
VER 0.6
Aug. 2004
Modify Xout = Fcpu output pin in system clock chapter.
VER 1.0
Dec. 2004
1. Add SN8P26042P/S/X pin assignment.
2. Add T0, TC1, PWM application notices.
3. T0C doesn’t support read and modify write instructions.
4. Modify operating mode, stack, reset, I/O, programming pins diagrams.
5. Modify timer, system clock descriptions.
6. Modify system clock description.
7. Remove ORG4~7 limitation.
VER 1.1
Jan. 2005
1. Re-arrange partial edition layout.
2. Strongly recommend using SN8ICE-2K ICE to emulate SN8P2604. SN8IDE V1.99S
or later No More support SN8P2000 series emulation.