Reference Monitors User Handbook
ORS RM-2S4 & RM-2S10
applied). The only solution is to reduce the input level and/or the amount of input gain being
applied; allowing clipping to persist will irreversibly degrade the audio performance.
The digital audio inputs of the RM-2S4 cannot in themselves clip unless extra input gain has
been applied, but signal peaks may come within 0.5dB of maximum if the input signal has
undergone aggressive processing at an earlier stage, and the CLIP indicator will respond to
LOCK indicator
The LOCK indicator illuminates when a valid digital audio signal is present on the currently
selected source input. It will not illuminate if the currently selected Source input is an
analogue signal, or if a digital audio signal is applied which has a sample rate outside the
acceptable range of the unit, contains invalid/non-audio data or is too weak for the receiver
to lock on to.
OPT indicator
The OPT indicator is reserved for future use.
Audio Modifiers
The audio modifiers are controlled using the 6 white
illuminated buttons on the front panel. Each of the
modifiers is operated via an illuminated pushbutton
switch, with each press of the button toggling the
modifier from on to off or vice-versa.
When using the audio modifiers in combination, it
is necessary to consider the order in which they are
applied since that will affect the results.
The modifiers are applied in the following order
(first > last):
Phase invert > Mono > S+D > Dim > Cut L/R
When mains power is removed, the status of the audio
modifiers is stored in non-volatile memory and recalled instantly once power is restored.
DIM Audio Modifier
When on, the DIM button is illuminated and the loudspeaker volume level is reduced
by 10dB.
The DIM modifier may also be activated by an external signal applied to the rear panel
remote control port and the DIM button illuminates when such an external signal is active.
The DIM modifier, unlike the other modifiers, has no effect on the meter readings since it is
treated simply as a volume adjustment.
Audio Delay Control (RM-HD1 only)
The DIM audio modifier has a secondary function which is used to add variable delay to the
audio coming from the SDI audio de-embedder expansion card (RM-HD1). Delay settings
are set through the SCi software. To turn the audio delay on, hold down the DIM button for
Fig 1-15: RM-2S4 & RM-2S10 Modifier