Project Construction
Check out my way cool Sonic Dad
gauges for project difficulty,
time, and cost. Cost of this
project depends on how many
items you have on hand. If you
purchase all items new, cost will be
higher than the approximate cost
1.0 HRS
Item needed
Where to find it
See Figure
1 pkg
10.25” diameter disposable foam plates (Home Store brand
from Dollar Tree stores recommended SKU#16449)
Dollar Tree, Dollartree.com online store
Page 2, A, C
1 pkg
Avery full sheet ink-jet printer labels #48165
Wal-Mart, office supply store
Page 2, B, C
1 pkg
#10 size SAE flat washer
Wal-Mart, home improvement store, hardware store
Page 2, NN
1 sheet
2mm craft foam sheet (black or the color of your choice)
Wal-Mart, craft store
Page 2, OO, PP, QQ
1 pkg
Regular plastic drinking straws (1/4” diameter)
Wal-Mart, craft store
Page 2, K, L
Item needed
Where to find it
Sharp scissors
Discount retail store, home improvement store
Low temp hot glue gun
Discount retail store, home improvement store, craft store
Metal ruler or straight edge
Discount retail store, home improvement store, craft store
X-acto knife with sharp blades
Discount retail store, home improvement store, craft store
Gule stick
Discount retail store, craft store
½” wide clear tape
Discount retail store, craft store
(Optional) black marker
Discount retail store, home improvement store
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Project #40 Page 3/25
FPG: Sonic Silhouette