The Sonic Communications (Int) Ltd ESN USB Remote Speaker Microphone (USB
RSM), provides a high
performance audio accessory, designed against the Home
Office ESN specification for an ESN compatible 3ES Remote Speaker Microphone,
capable of meeting the requirements of users across all the Emergency Services.
The design allows for the USB
RSM to be positioned on the uniform of the wearer by
use of the Klick Fast mounting method. This grants the user the ability to position the
RSM in the same location that TETRA terminals are currently worn.
Its ruggedised design and IP67 environmental standard, ensures efficient and
reliable operation under all conditions, with glove friendly controls positioned in a
similar manner to those on current TETRA terminals, to assist user familiarity.
Talkgroups can be selected by using the multi
function rotary control on the Remote
Speaker Microphone, reducing the need for the user to access their C1 Smartphone/
Device. In conjunction with the Kodiak ESN App, the USB
RSM will provide voice
annunciation of the selected Talkgroup. The rotary control can also be used for
volume adjustment.
RSM has the provision to connect a range of receive only earpiece
devices, to allow private reception of incoming radio messages. Connection of the
earpiece automatically disables the USB
RSM speaker.
A multi
pin headset connector is also featured on the USB
RSM, which allows the
connection of a wide range of operationally specific communications headsets, for
use with Motorcycle, Public Order and Firearms helmets, or any application where
there is a role specific requirement to remote transmit and receive audio from the
remote speaker microphone.