WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access).
The Access Point supports the WPA/WAP2 standard
proposed by the Wi-Fi Alliance (
). Both WPA-PSK (Pre-Shared Key)
mode and full WPA mode are supported. WPA is composed of TKIP (Temporal Key In-
tegrity Protocol) or AES, and IEEE 802.1x and serves as a successor to WEP for better
WLAN security.
When the Access Point is in AP/Bridge mode, it can communicate with other
APs or wireless bridges via WDS (Wireless Distribution System). Therefore, a Access
Point can wirelessly forward packets from wireless clients to another Access Point. Then
the second Access Point forwards the packets to the Ethernet network.
Wireless Client Isolation.
When the Access Point is in AP/Bridge mode, wire-
less-to-wireless traffic can be blocked so that the wireless clients cannot see each other.
This capability can be used in hotspots applications to prevent wireless hackers from at-
tacking other wireless users’ computers.
Transmit Power Control.
Transmit power of the Access Point’s RF module can be ad-
justed to desired RF coverage.
Link Integrity.
When the Access Point is in AP/Bridge mode and its Ethernet LAN inter-
face is detected to be disconnected from the wired network, all currently associated wire-
less clients are disassociated by the Access Point and no wireless client can associate with
Associated Wireless Clients Status.
When the Access Point is in AP/Bridge mode, it
can show the status of all wireless clients that are currently associated or ‘connected’.
Auto Channel Selection.
The auto channel selection feature allows the device to auto-
matically select the channel that will provide optimum performance on powering up the
Access Point.
DHCP client.
The Access Point can automatically obtain an IP address from a DHCP server.
DHCP server.
The Access Point can automatically assign IP addresses to computers or other
devices by DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol).
Static DHCP Mappings.
The administrator can specify static IP address to MAC ad-
dress mappings so that IP addresses are always assigned to the hosts with the specified
MAC addresses.
Showing Current DHCP Mappings.
Displays which IP address is assigned to which
host identified by an MAC address.
Packet Filtering.
The Access Point provides Layer 2, Layer 3, and Layer 4 filtering capabili-