SIG-5561 User Manual Ver. 1.2
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This is the timeout display function that appears in the upper right of the
console window. When this time reaches zero, the connection between spFinder and the
product is lost. The initial value is 30 minutes. If you move the mouse pointer in
the internal area of the console window, the timer is reset to the initial value
again. This function does not work while using the [Save output] function.
Export/Import Setting Values
The [Export setting values] menu saves all setting values of the product as a file
except for the password. The [Import setting values] menu loads setting values from
a file which is saved by the [Export setting values] menu. Note that you need to
click the [Save] button to apply the setting to your product. Find these functions
at the [Advanced] menu.
Figure 4-6 Export/Import Setting Values