Using the preamplifier
When the VHD button is not engaged, the preamplifier has been
designed to give a transparent sound, great for sources such as
acoustic guitars, vocals and strings.
When the VHD button is pressed, the preamplifier can be driven to
give a wide-range of overdriven sounds, ranging from subtle to...
well, not so subtle! Drums and electronic instruments can often
benefit from VHD colouration.
The best way to drive the VHD preamplifier is to increase the input
gain (red pot) whilst using the Line Trim pot to reduce the overall
level and not clip the channel output. Remember, it’s the input to
the preamplifier that likes being driven. From this point, adjust the
harmonics to fine-tune the desired sound.
Applies phantom power to the rear XLR input, a tell tale red
LED indicates phantom power is active.
Applies 20 dB of attenuation before the signal enters the
Switches the XLR Mic preamplifier impedance from 1.2 KΩ
to 10KΩ or the front panel Jack from 10KΩ to 1MΩ
Polarity switch inverts the polarity of the signal by 180°.
Switch Functions