This is SSL.
The perfect mix of power and control
The C300 HD is the perfect nerve
centre for commercial dubbing and
post facilities. It combines the
unrivalled audio fidelity & processing
of an SSL digital audio console,
comprehensive multi format
monitoring, multi system machine
control and a highly evolved hardware
surface that seamlessly integrates
hands-on control of the consoles
internal audio path and multiple
Digital Audio Workstations.
With unrivalled DSP flexibility, C300
HD offers over 500 mix inputs, 80 mix
busses and true multi-operator
capability from a single processing
core. C300 HD is a truly integrated
control and processing solution that
will make your facility more efficient.
HD Post Production
The commercial success of HDTV and Home
Theatre Surround systems, together with the
availability of high quality broadcast HD
programming and HD DVD formats,
mandates a radical new approach to Audio
Post Production. The universal consumer
adoption of 7.1 playback systems with
independently addressable side and rear
speaker pairs, means that HD sound will
eventually need to be mixed natively for this
format and that current methodology of
utilising an analogue matrix to synthesise a
mono rear signal from the existing 5.1 stereo
surround information will not remain
acceptable in the long term. C300 HD
provides the tools required to support these
latest developments and more.
Modern workflow
The C300 HD delivers significant time
savings in the critical mixing stage of a
project, offering increased workflow and true
cost efficiency, particularly when compared
to the compromised quality and throughput
imposed by semi-pro audio editing
equipment, which cannot provide the non-
linear multi-input automation, superior
sonics, and integration advantages of a
professional solution.
Affordably priced, the C300 HD provides the
features vital to commercial film and post
production, while allowing tailored scaling
of all parts in order to meet operational and
budgetary demands. Future accommodation
is through a clear upgrade path, ensuring a
long and productive working life.
Totally integrated productivity
C300 HD elegantly combines crucial
elements of the mixing process in the
console itself. This ‘Master Studio System’
concept saves the studio time and money,
removing the laborious and costly process of
buying and attempting to integrate suitable
mix automation, control surface, machine
control and monitoring systems. Providing
simultaneous processing and mixing inside
the console and multiple DAW control, the
C300 HD offers the best of both worlds.
Easy, intuitive operation
Even the most infrequent user will be up to
speed quickly on the C300 HD’s clear and
intuitive work surface, with knob-per-
function control of all parameters, high-
resolution TFTs displaying routing and
processing, and a central touchscreen for
configuration control. Rapid access and
overview of complex mixes are made
possible by user-customised channel
layouts, 7.1 surround input channels,
advanced parameter linking and an
innovative scroll function that permits
access to hundreds of signal paths from as
few as eight faders.
Fast, flexible reconfiguration
At the heart of a C300 HD system lies the
Centuri core, designed to assist fast-
changing post sessions with on-the-fly
redistribution of console channels, busses,
audio processing and control surface
resource – without any reboot or offline
Unrivalled sonic performance
SSL’s acclaimed sonic signature is assured in
the C300 HD by proprietary 40-bit floating-
point algorithms, providing emulation of
classic analogue circuits in powerful audio
processing tools.
World class automation
SSL’s TimeFreeze™ automation system is
unique in its non-linear read/write
capability, allowing both slow-motion mixing
for complex scenes and fast cue-by-cue
alteration of parameter values. Automating
many different items in different modes
within a single pass provides the high level
of parallel work – and resultant efficiency –
essential in today’s time-critical mixing
Modular, scalable construction
C300 HD’s modular construction offers
configurations suitable for use in
independent facilities, right through to
major film sound stages. Consisting of two
parts, the C300 HD console provides the
user interface while the compact Centuri
core contains SSL’s proprietary industrial
computer and the modular DSP with I/O
cards in a single chassis.
Digital Egg
Paragon Studios