Subject to change | © 2020 SOLARWATT GmbH | AZ-TM-PME-1787 | Rev 000 | Version: 03/2020
Page 28
MyReserve operation
Temperature behaviour
MyReserve is not actively cooled and is therefore main-
tenance-free. There are no disturbing noises and the ope-
ration of the storage unit does not require any additional
energy through cooling. The MyReserve Command cools
down via the surface of the aluminum housing and trough
the room temperature.
A heat development of 60°C can occur on the MyReserve
There are no limitations on performance for the household in the range from appr. 0°C to appr. 30°C.
While charging there is a power throttling on appr. +10°C and colder to zero at appr.-2°C.
Operation does not take place below appr. -15°C or above appr. +45°C.
Accelerated aging of the cells should be expected at temperatures above appr. +45°C.