nOtes On cOMPlAints
If you still have cause for complaint despite the high quality of our products, please contact your dealer directly or:
SOLARWATT GmbH | Maria-Reiche-Str. 2a | 01109 Dresden | Germany
Tel. + 49 351 8895-0 | Fax + 49 351 8895-111 | [email protected]
Certified in accordance with ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 | BS OHSAS 18001:2007
A photovoltaic system needs practically no maintenance, as
the solar modules are cleaned by the rain. To avoid reductions
in yield, we do, however, recommend carrying out a regular vi-
sual check on the module surfaces. Particularly heavy soiling
(e.g., leaves) can cause shades which reduce performance and
should therefore be removed. Clean the glass surface with wa-
ter, a water-ethanol or water-isopropanol intermixture and a
soft nonabrasive cloth only. In exceptional cases, a conventio-
nal cleaning agent may also be used in the recommended dose.
Do not use aggressive cleaning agents or metal objects, as
they can be particularly damaging to the hardened glass sur-
face. The electric cables should (where accessible) be checked
regularly for damage, corrosion, and firm hold. Pay particular
attention to VDE 0105-100.
MAintenAnce AnD seRVicing
Dispose of defective or old solar modules properly; they should
never be disposed of with domestic waste. For this reason, we
offer our customers return and recycling of our solar modules.
Contact us by e-mail at [email protected] and specify the
number and type of modules to be returned. We will then coor-
dinate all further details for returning your modules.
STaTuS: 09/2015 | inSTallaTion inSTrucTionS rev. 001 | Subject to change | © 2015 SolarWaTT GmbH