Hot water connection
Cold water (solar preheat) connection
Gas inlet
All plumbing work must be carried out by a qualified person and in accordance with the Standard
AS/NZS 3500.4 and local authority requirements.
All gas work must be carried out by a qualified person. In Australia, the installation must be in
accordance with the Australian Gas Installations Standard AS 5601 and local authority requirements. In
New Zealand, the installation must be in accordance with NZS 5261 Code of Practice for Installation of
Gas Burning Appliances and local authority requirements.
All pipe work must be cleared of foreign matter before connection
and purged before attempting to operate the water heater. All
olive compression fittings must use brass or copper olives. Use
thread sealing tape or approved thread sealant on all fittings.
A full flow gate valve or ball valve must be installed on the solar
preheat water line to the water heater.
A non return valve or
stop tap must not be installed.
An acceptable arrangement is
shown in the diagram. Refer also to
“Hot Water Delivery”
page 16 and to
“Mains Water Supply”
on page 15.
A disconnection union must always be provided at the cold water
(solar preheat) inlet and hot water outlet to allow for disconnection
of the water heater.
Insulation used on the cold and hot water lines must extend up to
the cold water (solar preheat) inlet and hot water outlet of the
water heater.
It is essential all pipe connections be correctly aligned, otherwise component connections within the
water heater may be strained and / or components themselves misaligned. It is recommended also,
wherever possible, pipe connections be made at the water heater first and final pipe runs be made
in soft copper pipe to allow some adjustment for misalignment.
Use the spanner flats on the water heater fittings and take care to avoid twisting the water inlet and
outlet pipes inside the jacket.
Gas booster water heaters with the following or a later suffix letter after the model number on the
rating label of the water heater
do not
need to be installed with a solar bypass valve:
26 litre models
all models
24 litre models
- C
20 litre models
- B