PK-HCS12E128 User's Manual
Page 19
3. Hardware Features
PK-HCS12E128 is an in-circuit debugger—it programs files into the MC9S12E128
microcontroller and offers debugging features like real-time code execution, stepping, and
breakpoints. Its debugging features are achieved thanks to the microcontroller’s integrated
Background Debug Module (BDM).
The BDM peripheral communicates with the host PC board (via the “USB to BDM Interface”
circuitry) through a dedicated, single-wire line (BKGD) of the microcontroller. The same line
is also used during device programming.
Contrariwise to traditional in-circuit emulation (where the target application is executed and
emulated inside the emulator), PK-HCS12E128 uses the very same target microcontroller to
carry on in-circuit execution. This means that all microcontroller’s peripherals (timers, A/D
converters, I/O pins, etc.) are not reconstructed or simulated by an external device, but are
the very same target microcontroller’s peripherals. Moreover, the PK-HCS12E128
debugging approach ensures that the target microcontroller’s electrical characteristics (pull-
ups, low-voltage operations, I/O thresholds, etc.) are 100% guaranteed.
MCU Section
The “MCU” section contains the target microcontroller and the additional circuitry needed for
the correct microcontroller startup. In detail:
An MC9S12E128 microcontroller, together with all necessary filter capacitors.
A 16-MHz crystal oscillator, connected to the microcontroller’s EXTAL and XTAL pins.
The microcontroller’s MODA and MODB pins are connected to VSS (via pull-down
resistors) in order to enter the single-chip mode at startup.
The microcontroller’s RESET pin is externally tied to VDD via a pull-up resistor. A push-
button in the “Demo” section is directly connected to this pin.