young children in and around water. You may lock the cover by using the pad
locks provided in the repair kit.
1. Turn off the Main Power Unit and unplug the cord from the outlet.
2. Close the water inlet and outlet valve located on the inside wall of the spa by
turning both valves clockwise, and on some models, install the outlet valve cover as
well .
Turn ALL nozzles clockwise On some models, install the outlet valve cover
3. Detach the hoses from the large fittings on the back of the pump from the
corresponding fitting on the spa.
4. Locate the floor drain valve. Make sure the drain valve is closed and connect
garden hose to the drain valve.
Drain valve location A = Drain valve Open/Close, B = Cap base, C = Drain valve cap
Turn “A” clockwise to Hold “B” and unscrew “C” Connect garden hose by
close drain valve turning “B”