Important notes
How do I measure correctly?
It is best if you are naked and barefoot for measu-
ring. Make sure that you always measure under the
same conditions (e.g. in the morning on an empty
stomach) and at the same time.
How often do I have to measure myself with
the Soehnle body monitoring instruments?
Basically, it’s up to you. We recommend, however, to
measure always at the same time and under the
same conditions. Those who want to be very precise
measure 2 to 3 times a day. Eating and drinking
habits during the course of the day and individual
lifestyle affect water balance. This is noticeable by
the fluctuations in the display. The scale saves the
average value.
Is it possible to notice a change in the per-
centage of body mass proportions even on
the first day?
It is quite possible that the body monitoring device
will show different values. This is due to the fluctua-
tions in water balance during the course of the day.
Normally, the body fat proportion changes very slo-
wly – within a few days or weeks.
Are the saved trend curves lost, if you change
the data in a personal memory?
No. Only if the data are deleted.
Can the measurement results be affected by
external factors?
The display values may be affected under extreme
electromagnetic conditions e.g. with the operation of
a radio-operated device in the immediate vicinity of
the scale. Once the interference stops, the product
can be correctly used again. Switching it on again
may be necessary.
What is the meaning of the trend curve?
Daily curve (day) means:
The daily average values of the last 59 days are dis-
played. The last value is always added on the right.
Weekly curve (week) means:
7 daily readings are used to determine a weekly
average. Therefore, the first weekly average can only
be shown after one week*. The last 59 weekly aver-
age values are displayed.
Monthly curve (month) means:
The last 30 daily average values. So the first monthly
value can only appear after 30 days *. 59 monthly
average values.
* Therefore, we recommend using the daily trend
display at the beginning.
BA_comfort_470_065_267_USA3.qxd 13.01.2006 17:45 Uhr Seite 15