Installation and Commissioning Guide DIRIS DigiBOX A
Ref: dcg_A402019us.rev1 Page 7/15
Installation and Commissioning Guide DIRIS DigiBOX A
4. Wiring of the system
Before wiring the system, make sure that the fuses are NOT installed. The fuses are to be installed AFTER all
wiring is complete.
Use class 1 conductors and the input voltage must be 480VAC L-L.
Make sure that the metal cover is still open inside the DIRIS DigiBOX A.
1. Behind the metal plate the prewired and the components that need to be wired can be seen.
2. Wire the voltage according to the designated fuse holder (L1, L2, L3, and N).
Figure 5: Wire the voltage based on the labeled fuse holders (note that the fuse holders are empty).
3. To make sure the product has the latest firmware, the product upgrade tool must be used.
a. Plug in a micro USB to the back of the DIRIS A-40.
Figure 6: The micro USB port on the DIRIS A-40.
b. Go to the website to download the Product Upgraded Tool:
Under the “Firmware” section, download the DIRIS A-40 firmware.
Please note that the firmware
downloaded from the website is a zip file but DO NOT unzip the file, just directly upload the
file into Product Upgrade Tool.