Mounting instructions for butterfly valves
SYLAX DN 25-350
Transport and storage
Before installation
The valve must be held in a semi-closed position (as delivered). In the case of motorized valves with spring return controls long storage
is not advised.
The valve must not be removed from its original packaging.
The valve must be stored inside premises which are clean, dry and free from UV light.
On site, the valve must not be removed from its original packaging and must be protected from the surrounding elements (dust, sand,
During handling and installation
The valve must not be suspended by its shaft.
The valve must be manipulated using adequate straps. These must not be likely to damage the casing coating.
Any item having suffered a large impact must be returned to Socla for checking. A crack which is invisible to the naked eye may in time
lead to a leak into the atmosphere.
Modifications, errors and printing mistakes cannot be held responsible for damages incurred. Socla reserves
the right to modify products without prior warning. All trademarks of these products are the property of the
respective companies .
Fitting to the pipe work
The Sylax butterfly valves DN 25-350 is bi-directional.
The recommended installation position is with the spindle of the valve horizontal and the lower wing of the disc opening from
upstream to downstream (flow direction). Particularly when dealing with slurries or products with a tendency to solidify.
Warning : The Sylax butterfly valves DN 25-350
mounted with a single acting electric or pneumatic actuator will always be
delivered Normally Closed (NC). If you need it Normally Open (NO), please read the following instructions: :
- Follow the general procedure of installation with mounting the valve and its actuator in normally closed position (NC).
- Uncouple the valve and its actuator by unscrewing the four nuts (4) and with taking out the four washers (3).
- Pull up the actuator (1).
- Turn the disc at 90° with an adjustable spanner through the shaft up to the open position (the saw cut shows
the position of the disc). Check the saw cut is perpendicular to the valve.
- Reassemble the actuator on the valve. It must be parallel to the pipe.
- Screw the four nuts (4). Do not forget the washers (3).
- Turn the position indicator (5) from 90° (the yellow strap on the position indicator, which shows the disc
position, must be parallel to the pipe.
Remarks :
- In this configuration, the valve turns anti-clockwise.
- Do not modify anything for solenoid valve setting.
- In cases when using a positionner, modify the visual position indicator. Check and modify the wiring.
General remarks
For safety reasons, the installation must take place under the supervision of authorised people taking account of local safety instructions
and advice.
The handling of butterfly valves and their controls must be done by staff trained in all technical aspects of their operation.
Before installation the pipes must be depressurised and purged (empty of its fluid) in order to avoid any danger to the operator.
The pipe work must be correctly aligned so that no extra stress is exerted on the valve casing.
In ATEX zone, check that the pipes are connected to the earth. Do not use insulating pipes (PVC…)
Check the compatibility of the connection flanges against the operating pressure: the PN number of the flanges must be greater or equal
to the operating pressure.
The valve is a machined piece of equipment and must not be used to prise apart the flanges.
The use of compensation joints, as well as flanges elastomer coated, between flange and valve are strictly forbidden.