This key defines the Auto-power off feature in the CHS
HKLM,"Software\Socket Communications\CHS\1.0", "TriggerMode",0x00010001, 0x00
This key sets the trigger mode. Local scanning is for short distances to the PDA; whereas, remote
scanning when the PDA connection is further or more unreliable.
Remote triggering (Only when connected to host)
HKLM,"Software\Socket Communications\CHS\1.0",”
UseCHS",0x00010001, 0x00
This key defines whether the user has enabled CHS support in the Scanner Settings control panel
applet. SocketScan.exe uses this registry entry to determine whether to display CHS/CRS specific UI
HKLM,"Software\Socket Communications\CHS\1.0",”
0x00010001, 0x01
This key defines if the CHS driver will automatically send a “good scan” indication (beep and/or
flash) to the CHS after receiving a scanned bar code.
If the registry entry is set to 0, then a good scan acknowledgement must be sent by the application
(by sending a ‘Set Indicators’ command.) Every time the CHS reads a barcode, it expects a good
scan acknowledgement (‘Set Indicators’ command). If it does not receive it, it waits for 10 seconds
to receive it during which it disables scanning capability. Scanning is enabled automatically after
the 10 second timeout. Please refer to Chapter 9.5/9.6 for more details about issuing Set Indicator
If the ‘AutoSendGoodScanInd’ registry entry is set to 1, then the driver automatically sends a ‘Set
Indicators’ command after every scan. The parameters for the ‘Set Indicators’ command are
determined by the value set for ‘Beep’ and ‘Flash’ registry entries.
NOTE: If the registry entry is changed after a CHS connection has been established, the connection
should be disconnected and reconnected for the change to take effect.
April 8, 2010
Page 70
Document#: 6410-00147 K
Revision 2.28