Appendix A. Glossary
ae rial plat form
a mo bile de vice that has an ad just able po si tion
form, sup
ported from ground level by a
struc ture.
am bi ent tem per a ture
t h e a i r t e m p e r a t u r e o f t h e i m m e d i a t e
en vi ron ment.
am me ter
an in stru ment for mea sur ing the strength of an
elec tric cur rent in am peres.
au tho rized per son nel
nel ap
proved as as
signed to per
spe cific du ties at a spe cific lo ca tion.
the rel e vant con tact points of the ae rial plat form
that form the sta
ity sup
port (e.g. wheels,
cast ers, out rig gers, stabilisers).
a mov able can ti le ver beam which sup ports the
plat form.
cen ter of grav ity
the point in the ae rial plat form around which its
weight is evenly bal anced.
chas sis
the in
gral part of the ae
rial plat
form that
pro vides mo bil ity and sup port for the booms.
fall re straint
a sys tem that is used while work ing on a boom
lift within the bound aries of plat form guard rails to
pro vide re straint from be ing pro jected up ward
from the plat
form. This sys
tem in
cludes a
har ness or belt, lan yard, and a lan yard an chor.
Fed eral OSHA, ANSI, and Snor kel re quire the
use of ad
tional fall pro
tion be
yond the
plat form guard rails on boom sup ported aerial
fall or ground pres sure
the max i mum pres sure, ex pressed in pounds
per square inch, a sin gle wheel con cen trates on
the floor or ground.
he max i mum slope that the ae rial plat form is
ca pa ble of travel.
ground fault cir cuit in ter rupter or
re sid ual cur rent de tec tor
a fast-act ing cir cuit breaker that opens to stop
elec tri cal cir cuit flow if it senses a very small
cur rent leak age to ground. Also called GFCI or
RCD. The GFCI/RCD is used to pro
per son nel against a po ten tial shock haz ard from
de fec tive elec tri cal tools or wiring.
guard rail sys tem
a ver ti cal bar rier around the plat form to pre vent
per son nel from fall ing.
haz ard ous lo ca tion
any lo ca tion that con tains, or has the po ten tial to
con tain, an ex plo sive or flam ma ble at mo sphere
as de fined by ANSI/NFPA 505.
jib boom
a boom as
bly lo
cated be
tween the main
boom and the plat form.
level sen sor
a de vice that de tects a pre set de gree of vari a tion
from per fect level. The level sen sor is used to
sound an alarm if op er at ing on a slope greater
than the pre set value. It may also (de pend ing on
the ma
chine) pre
vent the it from op
fur ther un til it is brought back within the preset
lower con trols
the con trols lo cated at ground level for op er at ing
some or all of the func tions of the ae rial plat form.
main boom
a boom as sem bly lo cated be tween the turn ta ble
and the plat form or jib boom. The main boom
in cludes the base, in ter me di ate, and tip boom.
max i mum travel height
the max
mum plat
form height or the most
ad verse con fig u ra tion(s) with re spect to sta bil ity
in which travel is per mit ted by the man u fac turer.
Min i mum Safe Ap proach Dis tance
the min
mum safe dis
tance that elec
con duc tors may be ap proached when us ing the
ae rial plat form. Also called MST
op er a tion
the per for mance of any ae rial plat form func tions
within the scope of its spec
tions and in
ac cor dance with the man u fac tur ers in struc tions,
the us
ers work rules, and all ap
gov ern men tal regulations.
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