VERDICT™ Demo Quick-Reference Guide
Demo Mode
Connect Scanner
Module to Display
with USB cable.
Select “Demo”
vehicle from menu
Live Scanner
Connect Scanner
Module to vehicle
OBD connector. Select
the vehicle from menu
Scanner Demonstration
- Press the Power button on the VERDICT Display Module
- Touch the Scanner icon on the Home screen
Live On-Vehicle Demo -
Select the appropriate vehicle from the Vehicle Selection screen
Off-Vehicle Demo Mode -
Select Demonstration, US Domestic, 2001 Chevrolet Tahoe from Vehicle Selection
- Select a vehicle system (example: Engine, Transmission, ABS Brakes)
- Select a Scanner function (example: Data Display, Display Codes, Troubleshooter)
Handy Navigation Tips
- Touch any Data PID to graph it. Touch arrow on right side of graph to maximize or minimize the graph
- Touch the Vehicle ID in the bottom toolbar and select Change Vehicle to close the current vehicle and ID a
new vehicle
- Touch the Home icon at any time to return to the VERDICT Home Screen
- Touch the Desktop Icon at any time to maximize or minimize the VERDICT application and/or view the
Windows Desktop
Two Ways to Demo VERDICT (Scanner Module Must Have Power)
Vehicle Selection Screen
Home Screen
Data Display Screen