Edge Hardware and Software User’s Manual
• Using Record and Playback
Utilities Overview
Edge has a number of utilities that can be useful when used in
conjunction with Quick Lists (for comparing parameters from different parameter
categories or different modules). They include:
• Record
For information on creating reports, setting up a printer, or printing a
report, refer to the following topics in this manual:
—“Creating a Report” in
Chapter 4: Using the Diagnostics Menu.
—“Managing Printers” in
Chapter 6: Using the Settings Menu
—”Printing a Report” in Chapter 5:
Using the Vehicle History Menu
You can record live vehicle data manually for playback at a later time. When you
record off the PRO-LINK
Edge, you are creating a file containing parameter in-
formation taken from a live connection—a recording taken on a particular date and
for a particular vehicle identification number (VIN).
The Record Mode button is accessed from the Quick List screen, and you must
add parameters to the Quick List to make the Record Mode button available.You
can save
only one
recording file at a time. If you begin a new recording and a
previous recording still exists, the PRO-LINK
Edge asks you if you want to record
the previously saved recording file.
The Record Utility can assist you in diagnosing vehicles with intermittent prob-
lems, as you can quickly refer back to the recording to help diagnose problems