Setup and Opera�on
1. Connect the power cable to the corresponding port on the hea�ng pad.
2. Plug in an electric outlet(120V/60Hz).
3. Turn on the device by opera�ng controller(refer to controller instruc�ons.).
4. When finished unplug the power cable from the outlet.
The device will automa�cally switch off a�er 2-hour �mer runs out.
Do not setup or use the device in a bathroom or similary wet/damp areas.
Ensure the device is not exposed to direct sunlight or placed near sources of heat.
This product produces a warming heat. It is not intended to be used as a therapeu�c
hea�ng pad. Please allow a few minutes to reach maximum temperature.
The maximum temperature: approx 140F.
Controller instruc�ons
Digital Display
1. Plug into an electric outlet,
The digital screen will show , and
a�er 1 second, will disappear and
the hea�ng pad is on standby mode.
2. Press the Power bu�on to turn on
the hea�ng pad.
Press the Tempe / - Bu�on to
select the heat between 1-6 levels.
(Default se�ng is level 3.)
Temperature -
Power Button