EVB-USB2660/USB2660i Evaluation Board Revision A User Manual
Revision 1.0 (06-09-09)
SMSC EVB-USB2660/60i Revision A
2 Hardware Configuration
Hardware Description
The EVB-USB2660/60i has one onboard regulator, which gen3.3 VDC from an ex5
VDC regulated power supply. The USB2660/60i generates is own 1.8 VDC for internal use using on-
chip +1.8 VDC regulators. The internal 1.8 Volt regulator to the oscillator and PLL is turned off during
suspend to minimize suspend current. The USB2660/60i consumes power from the 3.3 Volt supply.
Downstream port power is distributed by a power switch, U2, that consumes power from the 5 Volt
Port Assignment
Downstream ports are numbered 2 and 3 with individual port power controllers. The port power
controllers provide 5 volts of power with over-current protection to the downstream devices. Upstream
and downstream port connectors have USB 2.0 compliant decoupling and a separate shield ground.
USB2660/60i Configuration
The EVB-USB2660/60i has been set up to support internal default configuration as
determined by the empty state (no valid signature ID) of the SPI flash or of the EEPROM immediately
after reset. When no valid EEPROM or SPI image is detected, the Vendor ID, Product ID, Language
ID, and Device ID, and a few other choices are set using ROM code defaults.
EEPROM Option:
The EVB-USB2660/60i can load configuration from an external two-wire, I
EEPROM U4. The EEPROM must be installed at U4, and the SPI device at U3 should be removed to
enable this option. The EEPROM may be pre-programmed before installation, or it can be programmed
with the USB host using the provided SMSC USBDM application.
This option allows access to all of the configuration registers and ID strings for the USB2660/60i device
for detailed functional analysis and exercise as desired. The EVB-USB2660/60i is compatible with I
EEPROMs from several manufacturers. The memory capacity must be at least 512 bytes.
SPI Option:
The EVB-USB2660/60i can load configuration from an external SPI flash memory device
at U3 only when the SPI flash is supplying external ROM code and the external code specifies this
mode. The memory must be programmed with the USB host using the interface and programming
utility supplied by SMSC, or by programming the SPI device in-situ, or by programming the SPI
externally and then installing it at U3 to enable the SPI option.
This option allows access to all of the configuration registers and ID strings for the USB2660/60i device
for detailed functional analysis and exercise as desired. The EVB-USB2660/60i is compatible with SPI
flash memory devices from several manufacturers. The SPI flash capacity must be at least 128
Powered State LED
An optional LED, D1, indicates when +5 VDC and +3.3 VDC power are present.
Activity LED
An optional LED, D2, indicates when the USB2660/60i is active, as defined by firmware.