Design / Selection
1. Confirm the specifications.
Products represented in this catalog are designed only for use in compressed air systems.
Do not operate at pressures or temperatures, etc., beyond the range of specifications, as this can
cause damage or malfunction. (Refer to the specifications.)
Please contact SMC when using a fluid other than compressed air.
We do not guarantee against any damage if the product is used outside of the specification range.
2. If the operation involves load fluctuations, ascending/descending movements, or changes
in friction resistance, make sure to provide safety measures.
Operating speed will increase, and bodily injury may occur, or damage to the machinery itself may
3. If there is a chance that the product will pose a hazard to humans, install a protective cover.
If the moving portion of the product will pose a hazard to humans or will damage machinery or
equipment, provide a construction that prevents direct contact with those areas.
4. Be certain that the secured portions will not loosen.
Be certain to adopt a reliable connecting method if the rotary actuator is used very frequently or if it is
used in a location that is exposed to a large amount of vibrations.
5. There may be cases in which a speed reduction circuit or a shock absorber is required.
If the driven object moves at high speeds or is heavy, it will be unfeasible for only the rotary actuator
cushion to absorb the shock. Therefore, provide a speed-reduction circuit to reduce the rotary
’s speed before the thrust is applied to the cushion, or an external shock absorber to dampen
the shock. If these countermeasures are taken, make sure to take the rigidity of the mechanical
equipment into consideration.
6. Consider the possibility of a reduction in the circuit air pressure caused by a power failure.
When a rotary actuator is used as clamping mechanism, there is a danger of workpiece dropping if
there is a decrease in clamping force, due to a drop in circuit pressure caused by a power failure.
Therefore, safety equipment should be installed to prevent damage to machinery and bodily injury.
7. Consider the possibility of power source related malfunctions that could occur.
For the machinery equipment that rely on power sources such as compressed air, electricity, or
hydraulic pressure, adopt countermeasure to prevent the equipment from causing a hazard to humans
or damage to the machinery and equipment in the event of malfunction.
8. If a speed controller is provided in the exhaust restrictor, implement a safety design taking
the residual pressure into consideration.
If air pressure is applied to the air supply side without residual pressure in the exhaust side, the rotary
actuator will operate at abnormally high speeds, which could pose a hazard to humans and damage
the machinery and equipment.
9. Consider the behavior of the rotary actuator in the event of an emergency stop.
Devise a safe system so that if a person engages the emergency stop, or if a safety device is tripped
during a system malfunction such as a power failure, the movement of the rotary actuator will not
cause a hazard to humans or damage the equipment.
10. Consider the action of the rotary actuator when restarting after an emergency stop.
Devise a safe design so that the restarting of the rotary actuator will not pose a hazard to humans
or damage the equipment. Install manually controlled equipment for safety when the
has to be reset to the starting position.
11. Do not use the product as a shock absorber.
If an abnormal pressure or air leakage occurs, the rotary actuator
’s speed reduction capability could
become severely affected, which could pose a hazard to humans and damage the machinery and
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2020-10-13 10:40