Contact us for installa on instruc ons or ques ons at
Do NOT return product to retail store or online before contac ng us.
Direct the hand held sprayer in appropriate direc on and press the
Bidet Sprayer
lever to release flow of water. Water spray is adjustable and will spray with high or low
force (jet spray vs gentle rinsing) based on how much depression is placed on the
Sprayer Head
lever. You can further adjust the spray by adjus ng the
Shut Off T-Valve
lever up and down.
Shut Off T-valve
does not
need to be turned upwards at 100% to receive a
reasonable flow of water from the sprayer. Test this by star ng to turn the
valve lever 25% of the distance, assessing the sprayer flow, and increasing un l th e
perfect water flow speed is reached.
If leaking occurs at
Shut Off T-Valve Adapter
and Toilet Tank, the Shut Off T-Valve Adapter is either cross-threaded or
not ghtened enough. Tighten the leaking area with a ¼ to ½ turn by hand, using rubber jar opener, or with large
pliers. Turn water supply back on to test. Con nue pa ern un l leaking stops. If leaking con nues, unscrew the
Off T-Valve Adapter
completely and make sure
rubber washer
exists and is seated flat and even at bo om of the
Off T-Valve Adapter
If leaking occurs at
Bidet Sprayer Head
, disconnect sprayer from
Stainless Steel Bidet Hose
, and check for existence
rubber washer
or that the washer is lying flat and deep in hose. Tighten hose to sprayer head.
If leaking occurs under
Shut Off T-Valve Adapter
flexible toilet connector
, turn the toilet connector ¼ to ½ turn
by hand and turn water supply back on to test.
Please do not hesitate contac ng us at
with any installa on or troubleshoo ng ques ons.
We are here to help!
Turn off
Shut Off T-Valve Adapter
lever a er each use to close the water supply to the
Bidet Sprayer Head
. If you choose
to not turn off the valve lever, you risk weakening the internal components of the sprayer and hose, or exposing your
home to water damage or flooding.
The valve lever is conveniently located on the
Shut Off T-Valve Adapter
and takes only a moment to shut off.
Manufacturer is not responsible for damage which may have been caused by failure to follow this recommenda on.
You may also want to flush out the remaining water from the hose a er every use by depressing the
Bidet Sprayer Head
handle. The hose will lay be er when no water is inside.
The hand held bidet has many uses including female and male hygiene, cleaning toilets, sinks, or tub shower, cloth
diaper cleaning, washing pets, etc.