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Technical Support

2015 Compacta International, Ltd. - Rev. 



and Smartenit are trademarks of Compacta International, Ltd.

INSTEON is a trademark of SmartLabs, Inc.

1) Unplug PLM for at least 10 seconds.
2) Press the SET button while plugging the PLM back in and continue holding SET button for 3~5 seconds.
3) Release Set button when buzzer stops.
4) LED will go out for one second and come back on when reset is complete.

Manual Linking

Factory Reset

Linking Inputs to Control INSTEON Devices

1.  Press and hold SET button on PLM for 10~12 seconds and release
2.  Status LED will go out to program which input to link
3.  Tap SET button the number of times for the desired input (Once for Input 1, twice for Input 2, etc...)
4.  Press and hold SET button for 3~5 seconds and release
5.  Status LED will begin to blink, indicating the EZIO8SA is in linking mode.  Press the SET button on the desired 

responding device(s).  EZIO8SA will remain in linking mode until it times out after 4 minutes to add multiple responders.

6.  Press SET button on EZIO8SA’s PLM for 3~5 seconds to complete linking process.

Linking Outputs to Respond to INSTEON Controllers

1.  Put INSTEON controller into linking mode (Usually press and hold SET button for 3~5 seconds)
2.  Press and hold SET button on EZIO8SA’s PLM for 3~5 seconds
3.  Status LED will go out to program which output to link
4.  Tap SET button the number of times for the desired output (Once for Output 1, twice for Output 2, etc...)
5.  Press and hold SET button for 3-5 seconds and release

Linking Outputs in “Snap-shot” mode

1.  Put relays in their desired position, ON or OFF, using the Utility Suite or any other method of controlling the relays.
2.  Follow output linking procedure above, but skip step 4 and go directly to pressing SET button for 3~5 seconds.

X10 Mode Setup

1.  Press SET button on PLM for 3~5 seconds and release
2.  Status LED will begin to blink
3.  Send an X10 ON command 3 times to enable, or an OFF command to disable X10 (Ex. A1, A On, A1, A On, A1 On)
4.  Status LED will stop blinking when it is enabled/disabled for X10.  Relays 1-8 will respond to any house code and Unit 

codes 1-8 respectively.

Some things to note regarding linking outputs:

1.  Only one output can be linked as a responder to a single given INSTEON controller and any future links from the same controller to an output will over-

write the previous output as a responder.

2.  Linking in “Snap-shot” mode will put all relays in the state they were in at the time of linking when sent a command.  This means relays that were 

engaged will engage, and relays that were disengaged will disengage.

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