SMARTEL W-602 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 4

Alarm for full fat compartment


If too much fat has gathered in the fat separator the led ”Rasvatila 
täynnä” (4B) on the alarm unit turns on. After about 1 minute relay 
1 is activated, the summer sounds and the led starts blinking. It is 

W-602 is made up of an alarm unit (picture 1A), a capacitive fat 

time to order emptying of the fat separator. Alarm reset: se below!

level sensor R-602 (1B), an overflow sensor P-602 (1C) and a 
junction box (1D).

Overflow alarm

A mechanical tilt sensor senses if there is a stoppage in the water 

The alarm unit emits light and sound alarm when the fat 

outlet from the separator, causing the water level to rise above 

compartment is full or when a  stoppage causes an elevated water 

normal. At overflow alarm the led ”Padotushälytys” (4C) turns on. 

level in the fat separator. The two alarm types activate separate 

After about 1 minute relay 2 in the alarm unit is activated, the 

alarm relays (2A, 2B) for connecting external alarms or a GSM 

summer sounds and the led starts blinking. The fat separator has to 


be emptied immideately and whatever has clogged the outlet has to 
be removed. Alarm reset: See below!

The unit also has an error alarm which is activated if the fat level 
sensor is faulty or if its connection  is broken. In case of error alarm 

Error alarm for sensor fault/ loose contact

relay 2 (2B) is activated.

If the contact between the fat sensor and the alarm unit breaks or if 
the sensor is faulty the led ”Häiriö” on the alarm unit turns on. 

The alarm unit

 (1A) should be mounted in a location where the 

After about 1 minute relay 2 in the alarm unit is activated and the 

alarm is easily observed.

led starts blinking. Call a technician!

The sensors should be connected according to the instruction on the 

Alarm reset

sticker in the bottom of the alarm unit casing (2C) via a 2-paired 

All alarms are reset by pressing the button ”Hälytyksen kuittaus” 

twisted pair control cable of max 50 m length (not supplied). 

(4E) on the alarm unit. The summer gives a short, low tone and 

(Rasvaanturi = fat sensor R-602, padotusanturi = overflow sensor 

stops sounding. The relays return to normal state and the alarm led 


lights continually. The alarm remains in reset mode even during 
power cuts. 

The junction box

 (1D) where the sensors are connected should be 

Note! The alarm reset expires after 48 hours. After that the alarm 

placed in the separator tank above the highest expected water level.

turns on again if the reason for the alarm has not been dealt with. 
The unit automatically exits reset mode after receiving an OK 

The fat level sensor R-602

 (1B) is mounted according to fig. 3, 

reading for more than one minute.

suspended by the cable in the fat compartment of the separator and 
submerged in the water with the edge at the border level between 

All alarms have a few seconds delay when returning to OK state.

water and fat at maximum permitted fat layer thickness.

Testing alarm transfer

The overflow sensor P-602

 (1C) is a mechanial so called tilt 

In normal state when the green OK led shines the unit can be put in 

sensor which is mounted just above the normal water level in the 

test mode by pressing the reset button ”Hälytyksen kuittaus” (4E) 

separator tank according to fig. 3. If the level rises above normal 

for 5 seconds or more. The alarms are then activated in turn for 

the sensor gives a reading because its tilt angle changes.

about 5 seconds each. Finally the unit automatically returns to 
normal mode.

Please follow available instructions from the manufacturer of the 
fat separator about suitable alarm levels.

Teknilliset tiedot/ Tekniska data/ Technical data

External alarms

, for example via a GSM modem is connected to 

Hälytysyksikkö/ Larmenhet/ Alarm unit:

the connectors 1-6 in the alarm unit according to the figure on the 

Mitat (L x K x S)/ Mått (B x H x D)/ Dimensions (W x H x D):

sticker (2D). (TÄYNNÄ = full, PADOTUS/ HÄIRIÖ = overflow/ 

176 mm x 126 mm x 57.5 mm.


Kotelointi/ Kapsling/ Encapsulation:

When the switch DIP1 (2E) is in ON position the relays are 

Polystyreeni/ Polystyren/ Polystyrene

normally activated, which enables detection of power outages.

Käyttöjännite/ Matningsspänning/ Supply voltage:

With the switch DIP2 (2E) in ON position the unit can be used 

230 VAC 50/60 Hz

without an overflow sensor. If an overflow sensor is used DIP 2 has 
to be in OFF position.

Sulake/ Säkring/ Fuse: 5 x 20 mm 63 mAT


 The separator should always be filled with water before use 

Relelähdöt: 2 kpl potentiaalivapaita N.O./ N.C. 250V, 5A

and after emptying the fat compartment. If the fat sensor is not 

Reläutgångar: 2 st potentialfria N.O./ N.C. 250V, 5A

surrounded by water the unit activates the alarm for full fat 

Relay outputs: 2 pcs potiential-free N.O./ N.C. 250V, 5A

compartment. The unit automatically returns to OK state when the 
separator is filled with water.

Rasvaanturi/ Fettgivare/ Fat sensor:

Kapasitiivinen/ Kapacitiv/ Capacitive

Always clean the sensors when emptying the fat separator!

Materiaali/ Material/ Material: PE


Kaapelin pituus/ Kabellängd/ Cable length: 3.5 m


Padotusanturi/ Dämningsgivare/ Overflow sensor:

Mekaaninen kohokytkin/ Mekanisk lutningsgivare/


Mechanical tilt sensor

When the power to the alarm unit is switched on the green OK led 
(4A) blinks once. When contact with the level sensor is established 

Materiaali/ Material/ Material: PE

the summer sounds once and all leds blink in turn before the OK 
led or another led remains on. The unit is then in normal use.

Kaapelin pituus/ Kabellängd/ Cable length: 3.5 m

Normal state

In the normal state the green OK led (4A) on the alarm unit shines. 

Valmistaja/ Tillverkare/ Made by: 

It shows the power is on, levels in the separator is OK, the sensors 

OY Smartel Electronics AB 

are functioning and all connections are OK.

Gesterbyntie 138
04130 SIPOO, Finland

